Verapamil in pregnancy

In the period of waiting for the child, taking any medications becomes extremely undesirable. Despite this, many future mothers have to take various medications in case of some unpleasant symptoms. So, one of the most popular medicines a doctor can prescribe to a woman during pregnancy is Verapamil. About what this drug represents, in what situations it is prescribed, and how to correctly take it, we will tell you in our article.

What is the meaning of the action of Verapamil in pregnancy?

Verapamil refers to a fairly large group of drugs called calcium antagonists. Certainly, calcium ions are very important for the normal functioning of the human body. In particular, they promote the activation of metabolic processes in cells. At the same time, excess calcium can provoke narrowing of blood vessels and additional contractions of the heart muscle.

Such a violation often leads to increased pressure and the appearance of tachycardia, which can be very dangerous for a future mother. Verapamil and other calcium antagonists slow the process of its ions entering the cells, which in turn helps to reduce pressure, expand the coronary vessels, and normalize the heart rate.

In addition, a decrease in the level of calcium provides additional intake of potassium, which improves the cardiac activity of not only the future mother, but also the fetus.

In what situations are prescribed verapamil tablets during pregnancy?

According to the instructions for use, the indications for taking Verapamil during pregnancy are as follows:

Thus, this medicine is often prescribed to pregnant women who suffer from various diseases of the cardiovascular system. For each future mother, the physician should choose an individual dose of Verapamil during pregnancy and describe in detail the rules for taking this drug.

Meanwhile, in some situations this remedy can be prescribed by a gynecologist even to women who have never suffered from cardiac diseases. Most often this happens when the expectant mother drinks Ginipral - a well-known medicine to relax the muscles and reduce the tone of the uterus when threatened with miscarriage. Since this drug can adversely affect the health of a pregnant woman and help increase the heart rate of a future mother and baby, its side effect is often "covered" with the help of Verapamil.

How to take ginipral and verapamil during pregnancy?

Both the dosage and the way of using each of these medicines is always prescribed by the doctor individually. Meanwhile, in most cases, joint intake of these drugs is as follows - first, while eating, the expectant mother should take 1 tablet of Verapamil, and then, after about half an hour, the necessary dose of Ginipral.

Many women who have been prescribed verapamil, are interested in whether this drug is harmful during pregnancy. In fact, it is not possible to accurately answer this question, because no clinical studies have been conducted on the effect this medication has on the fetus. That is why it is possible to take this remedy only under the strict supervision of the attending physician and only when, in the opinion of the doctor, the expected benefit for the mother exceeds the risk for the future child.