Erythema ring-shaped

Erythema is a rather unpleasant dermatological disease. It is generally accepted that young men are more exposed to the problem. But as practice has shown, ring-shaped erythema spares no one. Fortunately, the disease is not as widespread as, for example, hives or dermatitis.

Varieties and causes of the appearance of annular erythema

Externally, the erythema is very similar to some varieties of lichen. When the disease on the body appear round red spots. But unlike depriving the erythema is not flaky and almost never itch, and if it itches, then it does not bring any special discomfort. In most cases, simultaneously formed a few specks, gradually increasing in size and connecting with each other. In some patients on the site of still unhealed rashes appear new, thus creating a ring in the ring.

There are two main types of annular erythema:

These two types of disease are very similar (and in that, and in another case, round red rashes appear on the chest, neck and hands), but it is not necessary to generalize them. So, for example, the fight with erythema Daria can continue for several weeks, and even months, while the rheumatic form of the disease often goes by itself in a few days.

To name the exact reason of occurrence of an erythema today not any expert undertakes. And if things are simpler with the rheumatic form of the disease, it is considered to be one of the symptoms of rheumatism, then there are much more theories about where the ring-shaped erythema Darya comes from. The main causes of the disease include:

Sometimes annular centrifugal erythema occurs as a result of physiotherapy, massage, thermal or chemical burns. Particularly tender skin in this way can react even to hypothermia or airing.

Do not reject the idea that predisposition to erythema can be hereditary. For this reason, the disease is sometimes diagnosed in infants. And often in the smallest patients erythema begins to manifest itself right from the first days of life.

Treatment of annular erythema

For each patient, treatment is selected individually. Everything depends on the patient's state of health, the stage of the disease and many other factors. The principle of treatment for all forms of the disease is the same. And with rheumatism, and with any other disease, the treatment of ring-shaped erythema should be based on the elimination of the cause that caused it.

That is, in the first place the patient has to undergo a complete examination. After establishing the exact cause, many patients are prescribed a special hypoallergenic diet, a therapy aimed at maintaining immunity, antihistamines, ointments that promote the speedy recovery of the skin, vitamin complexes. In parallel with this it is possible to treat ring-shaped erythema with folk remedies:

  1. Very often, arnica is used to treat erythema. A few spoons of dried flowers should be poured 200 ml of boiling water and leave to infuse in a thermos for the night. Drink the filtered medication on a teaspoon at least five times a day.
  2. Nettle juice is considered effective.
  3. The fight against erythema is promoted by berries: hawthorn , dog rose, red mountain ash, black elderberry.
  4. To wash out places of a rash it is recommended broth of a camomile in which it is possible to add a mackerel and a pepper mountaineer.