Psychological dependence on a person

In our life, there are many different forms, types and types of dependence, most of which do not require special treatment.

However, psychological dependence is an ailment that, in the strength of its destructive influence on a person, is analogous to the dependence of narcotic, alcoholic, playful and food.

Psychological dependence on another person, and in particular love dependence - is a state of a person in which all the thoughts of one are occupied by the needs, emotions and problems of the other.

The most common type of psychological dependence concerns relationships. For example, dependence on a husband or a loved one.

Relations in which there is psychological dependence on the husband in most cases are very tense, severe and they often have conflicts and jealousy . Due to the fact that the dependent person does not get to express his anger and pain, these relationships are often accompanied by offenses against a loved one. The weaker partner suffers all and the resentments accumulate. Well-being, as well as the experiences of this person entirely depend on the second half.

The essence of this relationship is that one person (an addict) feels incomplete, he just needs to fill himself with the Other, this is a matter for him simply a matter of life and death. Such a person is ready to tolerate any relationship to himself, so long as he is not rejected and does not remain alone.

Such relationships are at a dead end, they are often interrupted, but the dependence remains. You can not help thinking about a person, worry about him, and collect information about him all the time.

How to deal with psychological dependence?

You will not be able to get out of psychological dependence quickly. First, try to gain anew independence, and also start building your life yourself. Do not hide from friends and loved ones that you have psychological dependence on a person (husband, wife, parents). Ask them for help and ask you to listen. However, you should not blame yourself and reproach yourself, but all the same, it is worth analyzing your mistakes in the relationship. In addition, you can upload your day by doing things that will help you get distracted from thinking about your loved one. In a special case, when friends and relatives can not help, you need to turn to a psychologist.

And so, destroying the dependence you need to find a new or strengthen, which is an occupation, and also you should switch the communication to friends or new people.