What medicines to take when poisoning?

Poisoning is a painful condition of the body, which is caused by the ingestion of some toxic substance into it through the digestive tract, by injection or by breathing. The earlier to start its medication, the less toxins will enter the bloodstream and spread to various systems and organs. But to quickly eliminate intoxication and remove toxins from the body, you need to know what medicines to take when poisoning, because not all funds are equally effective.

Preparations for correction of water-salt metabolism

If you ask the doctor what medicines to drink while poisoning with food, the first thing you will hear is the rehydrants. These are drugs that restore the deficiency of electrolytes and water in the body. They must be taken, since the main danger in poisoning is dehydration, which arises from frequent diarrhea and vomiting.

Rehydration therapy can be oral or parenteral. At home, rehydration is carried out at home using special solutions:

But what if the patient's condition is really serious and the patient can not drink on his own? What medicines for food poisoning are prescribed in such cases? It will only help parenteral rehydration therapy (through droppers). To do this, use drugs such as:

Enterosorbents for the treatment of poisoning

Enterosorbent drugs are medicines that promote the removal of various toxins by adsorption. In addition to this effect, they have enveloping and detoxifying action, that is, stop diarrhea and improve the function of the intestines and kidneys. Always at poisoning to the patient sorbents are appointed, but which medicines will help quickly to recover? Such medications will help:

  1. Activated carbon is a simple and inexpensive enterosorbent that effectively adsorbs gases and toxins released by poor-quality products of animal and vegetable origin, and also destroys pathogens of infection. A solution made of Activated Carbon is used to wash the stomach in cases of severe poisoning.
  2. Smecta - a preparation of natural origin, which perfectly envelops the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, alleviating the painful symptoms. You can take it even with a liquid and frequent stool.
  3. Enterosgel. As part of this remedy there is natural organic silicon, it "collects" any toxic substances in the digestive tract and quickly removes them from the body. This product is available in the form of paste and gel.

Spasmolytics for poisoning

Sometimes after eating low-quality food or a large amount of alcohol, painful spasms of smooth muscles of the stomach occur. What medicines to drink when poisoning in these cases? With a significant pain symptom that accompanies diarrhea and with prolonged painful urge to defecate, the use of No-shpa is shown. These pills will effectively eliminate spasm and attacks of pain in the stomach or intestines.

Probiotics for poisoning

After you have eliminated vomiting and diarrhea, be sure to ask the doctor what medicines to take after poisoning, because this painful condition affects all the functions of the digestive tract. To restore and normalize the digestive process, you will be prescribed one or more probiotic preparations. The medicines of this group include:

They should be taken by courses, otherwise it will be difficult to achieve a positive effect.