Radicular syndrome

The compression of the nerve roots in the region of the spinal cord often leads to painful sensations that can irradiate in the limbs and internal organs. Radiculopathy or radicular syndrome is often combined with osteochondrosis, but sometimes it accompanies other diseases, which makes pathology difficult to diagnose without additional research.

Radicular cervical syndrome

This type of disease is rare, as the neck muscles are the most durable. Osteochondrosis of this part of the spine with radicular syndrome occurs due to compression of the artery, which saturates the nerves with oxygen.

Common Symptoms:

The pain is aggravated by physical activity, sharp bends and inclinations.

Symptoms of radicular thoracic syndrome

The described type of pathology is observed much more often and is characterized by the following signs:

It should be noted that the listed symptoms do not always disappear after the cessation of motor activity, even with the observance of bed rest, since there is a load on the vertebrae.

Lumbalia with radicular syndrome

The lumbar spine is most often accompanied by squeezing nerves. This is due to the fact that this area has a maximum load both in the performance of daily work and physical exercises.

Observed symptoms:

Symptoms of the disease decrease at rest, especially when the patient lies on a healthy side.

Treatment of symptoms of radicular syndrome

Therapy of pathology is developed in accordance with the form of the disease, the affected spine, as well as the severity of the symptoms.

A complex scheme usually consists of such measures:

1. Taking anesthetic anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of injections or tablets:

2. Application of local medicines with similar properties:

3. Use of the means, allowing to relax muscles or muscle relaxants:

4. Use of B vitamins:

5. Physical therapy.

6. Course of chondroprotectors:

7. The impact of physiotherapy:

The proposed measures provide for the elimination of pain syndrome, swelling and inflammation. In addition, with regular treatment, the motor activity, flexibility of the spine is restored.

In addition to therapy, it is desirable to adjust the way of life, in particular:

  1. Follow the diet of a healthy diet.
  2. Avoid physical and emotional overload.
  3. Normalize the mode of work and rest.