What to do if it makes you sick, but does not vomit?

Nausea without vomiting is peculiar to some diseases of the digestive tract, pregnancy. In addition, attacks of nausea can be experienced as a result of concussion of the brain, migraine, poisoning.

What should I do if I vomit without vomiting?

To get rid of the uncomfortable state, it is necessary to carry out diagnostics. Based on its results, a therapy program will be developed that will remove the cause of nausea .

It should be borne in mind that methods aimed at reducing nausea, are not always working. This is due to the difference in causes. For example, it is impossible to get rid of discomfort caused by poisoning by pills from seasickness. However, in many cases, vomiting brings significant relief. Therefore, consider how to induce vomiting in case of nausea.

Nauseating - how to induce vomiting?

As a rule, nausea without vomiting is present if the stomach is empty. Therefore, for its maximum purification it is necessary to fill the organ:

  1. It is necessary to drink 2-3 glasses of water. Then you should press the root of the tongue with two fingers. To act with caution, so as not to accidentally injure the larynx.
  2. There are people who have poorly developed gag reflex, and pressing on the root of the tongue does not lead to the desired result. In this case, you will have to make some efforts - to drink 1.5-2 liters of warm water. Usually, after this, vomiting begins. If you are sure that nausea is caused by poor-quality products, dissolve in the water a few grains of potassium permanganate.
  3. Traditional medicine recommends for vomiting to drink black tea, seasoned with milk and salt. It is enough only 2 glasses of a drink for an exit of vomit masses.
  4. If nausea allows you to leave the house, visit the nearest pharmacy and buy a syrup of the vomiting root.

Do I need to induce vomiting if I feel sick?

Vomiting is necessary when it comes to poisoning. Thus, you can free the stomach from the remnants of digested poor-quality products. In this case, further treatment will be faster.

When it comes to nausea caused by diseases of the brain, spinal column, a violation of the functionality of the vestibular apparatus , vomiting will not bring relief or the effect will be short. Therefore, as soon as possible, identify the cause and adjust your condition with the pharmacological drugs prescribed by the doctor.