Dicycin - injections

Dicinone injections in medical practice are appointed as a hemostatic. Its active substance is ethazylate. In addition to the main property, it also strengthens the walls of the vessels, improves blood circulation in the capillaries and increases its coagulability.

The principle of Dicycin's action

The drug promotes the release into the body of an additional number of platelets, which greatly accelerates the process of coagulation in the damaged zone. In addition, it has a vasoconstrictive effect, without increasing blood pressure.

Dicynon injections, although considered to be sore, are nevertheless often practiced in medicine. The effect occurs 60-90 minutes after intramuscular injection and only 15 minutes after intravenous. In the active phase, the drug is on the order of four hours. In the following time, its effectiveness is reduced. The medicine is excreted from the body only towards the end of the day.

Indications for use of Dicinon injections

The preparation is used:

The drug solution is also used for topical application, for example, with a shallow cut - you just need to moisten the tampon and attach it to the wound.

Contraindications to Dicycin application

The medicine is contraindicated to people:

With special care, the drug is prescribed to pregnant women, since it is not well compatible with other medicines.

Side effects of the drug

With proper application of Dicinon injections, side effects are rarely observed. Despite this, there are still people who, during the use of the drug, reported such ailments as: nausea, heartburn, headache, general weakness, itching at the point of injection of the needle. All this passes after stopping the medication.