Intercostal neuralgia - symptoms and treatment

Any neuralgia is a very unpleasant and painful problem. Intercostal neuralgia delivers a lot of trouble to the patient, often knocking him out of the rut for a while. Very often this disease is confused with cardiovascular pathology. And because of the wrong interpretation of the symptoms of intercostal neuralgia, the proper treatment is delayed too. As in the case of any other disease, it is absolutely not recommended to delay with treatment.

The main symptoms of left-sided and right-sided intercostal neuralgia

Often intercostal neuralgia develops in people after forty. Unfortunately, this does not mean that the disease can not affect young people. There are many reasons for the development of neuralgia. The main ones look like this:

  1. Of great importance is age. Older people are more prone to developing neuralgia.
  2. Lack of vitamins.
  3. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Diseases of the spine.
  5. Sometimes the symptoms of intercostal neuralgia manifest during the treatment of diabetes.

It also happens that neuralgia occurs after a strong overstrain or a cold muscle.

The main symptom of the disease is severe pain in the region of the ribs. It can be different: pulling, stupid, burning, sharp. In some patients, pain is episodic, while others suffer persistently. Pain can also be given to the scapula, the lower back, and the spine.

Treatment for intercostal neuralgia in both women and men is recommended to start right after the appearance of such signs of the disease:

  1. Numbness of the skin around the ribs is an unkind sign.
  2. If pain during coughing or exhalation increases - most likely, a problem in neuralgia. To clarify the diagnosis will help survey.
  3. Caution should also change the color of the skin in a troublesome place.

Medications for the treatment of intercostal neuralgia

Treatment of intercostal neuralgia in the first place should relieve unpleasant pain. Methods of treatment are very diverse, and therefore it is best to trust the expert in this matter.

After the appearance of the first signs of neuralgia, you should protect yourself from overexertion. The chest and back should be temporarily freed from physical exertion. The development of intercostal neuralgia is facilitated by stresses, therefore during treatment it will be necessary to take care of the nervous system.

Most often for the treatment of intercostal neuralgia use ointments that have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. These funds are designed to improve blood circulation and muscle relaxation, which, in turn, helps reduce pain. In some cases, instead of ointments, papillary patches can be used. In order to maximize the effect of using ointments and patch, it is recommended to wrap up the affected area after applying the remedy.

Help in the treatment of intercostal neuralgia and medication. Correctly selected tablets will quickly relieve pain and contribute to the elimination of the true cause of the disease. For the treatment to be as successful as possible, the patient should to comply with bed rest. And the bed should be firm.

There are several tips for the treatment of intercostal neuralgia and in folk medicine. To rely solely on folk recipes in treatment, of course, it is impossible, but they will help support the body:

  1. As a soothing pain remedy, the chamomile has proved itself well.
  2. Radish or horseradish juice can be used. It must be rubbed into the affected area.
  3. Effective and compresses based on steamed seeds of flax.
  4. Do not interfere with a patient with intercostal neuralgia bath with the addition of sage and sea ​​salt .