How to wear a Pavloposadsky scarf with a coat?

Pavloposadsky scarf can be called the most amazing and feminine accessory in modern fashion. Such models are represented by a wide variety of colors and finishes. But in any case, an accessory in the national style will always complement the image of a cozy and at the same time refined note. Today, stylists offer a wide selection of original and beautiful bows with an exquisite addition. But the most feminine and elegant are combinations of the Pavloposad kerchief with a coat. However, in such ensembles there are certain nuances that will always emphasize your sense of style and conformity with the latest fashion trends. The image with an irresistible accessory and elegant outerwear should always be as attractive and at the same time modest, bright, but not provocative. Therefore, it is worthwhile to know how to properly wear a Pavloposadsky scarf from a coat.

How beautiful to tie a Pavloposadsky scarf on a coat?

The uniqueness of the Pavlov Posad shawls lies in the fact that these beautiful accessories look stylish with any style of the coat. In addition, the flower color scheme is suitable for any one-color solution of outerwear, geometric, abstract print or drawings. However, do not put a scarf in the flower-themed. Let's find out how to carry a Pavloposad shawl from a coat?

The most popular and original is the way to tie a handkerchief over a coat with an angle to the chest. In this case, the ends can be fixed in the knot on the neck behind or under the hood, and also put forward. In the latter case, the accessory will look more concise. In this form, a beautiful addition can be worn with an unbuttoned coat. Also, the Pavloposadsky handkerchief can simply be thrown over the shoulders over the outer clothing. To the ends do not slip and do not fly off the wind, they can be fixed under the belt from the coat, if the style assumes it. In addition to the scarf function, the handkerchief can play the role of a headdress. A stylish way to wear it from a coat is considered a variant of a kerchief in a free form, covering the shoulders.