Lymphatic drainage massage: contraindications

The lymphatic system is, so-called, "garbage" of our body. Toxins, waste of life, cell decay, allergens, bacteria, as well as excess fluid, are all derived from the lymphatic system from our cells. It happens that these or other diseases, as well as their consequences, slow down and disrupt the functioning of the lymphatic system. As a result, appears:

In order to prevent this kind of disease, or to cure oneself of the already existing ones, a lymphodrainage body massage is performed , which, alas, has its contraindications.

Lymphatic drainage massage will be harmful if:

  1. You suffer from any cardiovascular disease. During the procedure, the load on the heart increases, which can dramatically worsen the patient's well-being.
  2. Diseases of veins. If you suffer from thrombophlebitis - lymph drainage massage is strictly contraindicated, since with the acceleration of the lymph flow the clot can come off, and this is akin to a lethal outcome.
  3. Any inflammatory diseases, even the most trivial (including purulent pimples) can cause harm during lymph drainage. Since pus, viruses, allergens, bacteria in active form spread with lymph throughout the body.
  4. Nursing mothers do not recommend this type of massage. Since the released decay products, toxins that will be excreted with lymph, can get into the milk, and this will not benefit the baby.
  5. Lymphatic drainage massage during pregnancy is contraindicated in the first trimester, and then, it is allowed, but only on the legs, to reduce swelling.
  6. Oncological diseases. Lymphatic drainage can promote the growth of tumors.
  7. If the patient has a tendency to bleed, lymph drainage should be prohibited!

However, there are diseases in which lymphatic drainage massage is almost the only savior:

  1. Lymph drainage massage for varicose veins is one of the main methods of treatment, because varicose veins are caused by lymph flow disturbance and swelling of the legs.
  2. Lymphatic drainage massage is also performed after a mastectomy (removal of the breast), with the appearance of lymphostasis of the hand (puffiness of the hand near the removed breast).
  3. Lymphatic drainage can be an effective tool to fight cellulite, because often cellulite is a consequence of the disrupted functioning of the lymphatic system, disintegration products, toxins, excess water accumulate under the skin, and the nutrition of the cells is disturbed.

Lymphatic drainage is a medical, not a cosmetic, procedure. Familiarization with contraindications to lymphatic massage is important, but it will not replace a preliminary medical examination.