Kara Delevin took the love of the press from Jean-Claude Van Damme

Jean-Claude Van is no longer young, but he is still a star of fashion and cinema. However, as it is not sad, the new generation of celebrities prevails. This was clearly demonstrated at the airport in Los Angeles.

The sweetness of glory

The militants' star has always been in the center of the attention of the public and the press, and he was not deprived of attention by written beauties. Now the 55-year-old idol of the 90s does not cause such enthusiasm among viewers and reporters who lead the celebrity hunt.

Jean-Claude Van Damme gave in to the popularity of the young British supermodel Kare Delevin. At least so decided the paparazzi!

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Difficult choice

The other day, at the Los Angeles airport, Van Damme and 23-year-old Kara Delevin appeared about the same time. Journalists were delighted with such luck, but did not know which of the two stars to shoot.

After a slight mute pause, the paparazzi rushed to run after the young top model, who chatted on the mobile and left the inimitable Van Damme alone.

According to eyewitnesses, a representative of the "old Hollywood guard" tried to prove to fleeing reporters that he was worthy of their attention, shouting: "Excuse me! Sorry! I'm more famous than she is! I'm Jean-Claude Van Damme! ". But he did not manage to get them back.