Chronic endometritis

Recently, there has been a trend towards an increase in the number of women with chronic endometritis, which is a danger, primarily for the childbearing function.

Most often, chronic endometritis develops latently, without special clinical manifestations, as is the case with endometritis in acute form. Therefore, many women can not guess what is dangerous for them chronic sluggish endometritis. But changes in the structure of the endometrium with chronic endometrium lead to the formation and subsequent growth of various cysts and polyps, which in 60% of cases is the cause of miscarriage, and in 10% - the cause of infertility.

Chronic endometritis of the uterus - symptoms and diagnosis

Endometrite is an inflammation of the inner mucous layer of the uterus - the endometrium. The uterine cavity, lined with an endometrium, is normally well protected from infections. However, infectious pathogens in the presence of certain factors appear in the uterus and provoke inflammation of the endometrium.

Chronic endometritis is manifested by disorders in the menstrual cycle, bloody, serous-purulent discharge, pain in the lower abdomen, soreness in sexual intercourse.

To diagnose "chronic endometritis," the doctor determines the clinical symptoms, the history of the disease. Scraping of the uterine mucosa is also performed for the diagnosis of chronic endometritis for the purpose of carrying out a histological examination of the endometrium. Important methods for diagnosing this disease are ultrasound and hysteroscopy, which enable us to determine what structural changes have occurred with the endometrioid tissue.

Causes of chronic endometritis

Chronic endometritis most often is a consequence of an untreated acute form of endometritis, which occurs, as a rule, after abortion, childbirth, intrauterine manipulation.

Exacerbation of chronic endometritis occurs with a decrease in immunity, especially after chronic diseases or childbirth; with inflammation of the appendages, sexual infections; improperly selected intrauterine spirals or their long-term use.

Types of chronic endometritis

According to the nature of the inflammatory process in the endometrium, chronic endometritis is focal, that is local, and diffuse, when all the mucous uterus and the deeper adjacent layers of its walls are involved in the inflammation.

By the nature of the causative agent that caused the disease (bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, mixed flora), chronic endometritis can be specific and nonspecific.

Specific endometritis is caused by cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex virus, candida, chlamydia and other pathogens.

With a nonspecific chronic endometrium, the pathogenic flora is not found in the uterus. Endometritis can cause nonspecific: HIV infection, bacterial vaginosis , hormonal contraceptives, intrauterine device.

According to the degree of activity of the disease, chronic endometritis can be: inactive, sluggish, moderate degree of activity. The most dangerous are inactive and slow endometritis.

They occur almost without symptoms. To identify them, it is necessary to take certain tests, since there are no disturbances in the cycle and pathological discharge from the vagina. Therefore, it is necessary to visit the gynecologist on a regular basis so as not to start the process and to reveal it already at the initial stage.

There are also autoimmune chronic endometritis, which is characterized by focal clusters of lymphocytes. It develops because of the production of autoimmune antibodies against healthy cells, which lead to damage to normal tissues and autoimmune inflammation. This form of the disease is not cured.