Cuff in gynecology

It's not for nothing that the cuff is known as a female herb, many things are known about its miraculous properties. There are many varieties of this plant, but there is no doubt about the therapeutic benefits of each of them. Its name was given to the plant because of the leaves, which like lace cuffs frame the stems. The cuff is used in the form of tea, infusions and broths.

Cuff - how useful?

Grass cuff in gynecology is widely used. Plant components have a broad spectrum of action and a good therapeutic effect:

  1. Reduces the activity of the inflammatory process in the genital organs. Accordingly, the main manifestations of the disease become less intense.
  2. Reduces the intensity of pain caused by impaired functioning of the genitals.
  3. Improves the function of the endocrine glands.
  4. Affects the blood clotting system. Thus, it helps with heavy menstrual bleeding, dysfunctional uterine bleeding .
  5. Has a positive effect on benign breast diseases. Helps eliminate these diseases.

Effect on pregnancy

Cuff during pregnancy also shows its useful properties. It is believed that this plant "prepares" the body of a woman for the birth of a child, facilitates the course of pregnancy. In addition, it reduces the risk of postpartum haemorrhage. An additional advantage of the cuff's medicinal properties is the absence of contraindications, the plant is absolutely safe.

This herb contains plant hormones that contribute to the restoration of a normal hormonal background in the female body. Therefore, an ordinary cuff used for conception can accelerate the process of pregnancy. At the same time, its effect is so mild that it does not cause side effects.

The cuff is also used for infertility , since it is known that the plant increases the process of formation of sex hormones. Therefore, in some cases it will help to become pregnant.

Cuff - how to apply?

Despite all the benefits, before using cuffs it is better to consult a gynecologist. When you take any herbs that have the property to change the hormonal level, you need to periodically monitor the sex hormones. It is important to use herbal preparations with a course followed by a break.

Many diseases require drug treatment with an additional intake of herbal preparations. It is important to remember that any herbal medicine does not work immediately, so in urgent conditions its use is unacceptable.