Spasmophilia in children

Symptoms and etiology of spasmophilia

Rakhitogenous spasmophilia (children's tetany), caused by a metabolic disorder, in particular phosphorus-calcium metabolism, arises in the event of a child's malaise, lack of walks (when the child does not manage to get the right amount of vitamin D), or inadequate intake of vitamin D.

Many people know that spasmophilia in children, like rickets, is caused by a lack of vitamin D, however, another situation is possible. The child can spend sufficient time outdoors, being under the direct rays of the spring sun, and at the same time, using vitamin D and as an additive to nutrition. In this case, the phosphorus-calcium balance in the body can be disturbed and cause seizures.

The main symptoms of this disease: laryngospasm (spasm of the glottis), convulsions in the child, increased neuromuscular tone.

Emergency care for spasmophilia

If your child has developed laryngospasm, before the arrival of ambulance doctors, you need to do the following: slap the baby on the cheeks, sprinkle his face with cold water, press the root of the tongue. With not passing cramps, doctors will inject intramuscularly a calcium preparation and a sedative.

Treatment of spasmophilia

In the treatment of spasmophilia, the main drug is calcium, which stops convulsions. At the same time, it is recommended to limit the intake of cow's milk, whose paradoxical property is the excretion from the body of not only iron, but calcium. It is also possible to administer drugs containing vitamin D and magnesium. It is the combination of these elements that allows you to restore the disturbed balance of metabolism in the body.

Prevention of spasmophilia

For the prevention of spasmophilia in children it is necessary:

  1. Compliance with the regime of the day, involving frequent walks. During walks, due to the interaction of the exposed skin of the child with the sun's rays, the natural formation of vitamin D occurs in the skin of the child. However, be wary of extremes. Long-term interaction with sunlight can lead to allergic reactions. The fact is that during the "sunbathing" the blood increases the content of histamine and for children with atopic dermatitis such prevention of rickets and spasmophilia can be dangerous.
  2. The use of dairy products. Best of all, if it is sour-milk products, kefir, cottage cheese.
  3. Preventive use of calcium preparations. - Keep in mind that it is impossible to satisfy the need for calcium only through the use of cow or goat's milk. In recent years, the confidence in this product from nutritionists is falling more and more. To many children, milk is not suitable because of intolerance, allergic reactions. It is calcium preparations or special children's mixtures containing calcium in an easily digestible form that must compensate for the need for calcium for such children.
  4. If necessary, use the drug vitamin D3. The expediency of using this drug for all children up to a year by many pediatricians is not questioned, therefore in the winter season it is prescribed for almost all infants. But this drug can be dangerous for children with atopic dermatitis. If, after starting the drug, you find new rashes on the baby's body, be sure to notify the doctor about it. It is possible that the drug will have to be canceled or the dose of calcium consumed will be increased.

When appointing calcium preparations, it must be assumed that the daily need of a child for calcium depends on his age:

Age group Calcium Vitamin D
Children from birth to three years old 500 mg 0,005 mg
Children from four to eight years old 800 mg 0,005 mg
Children from nine to thirteen years old 1300 mg 0,005 mg
Adolescents from fourteen to eighteen years of age 1300 mg 0,005 mg