What is the libido of men and women and how to strengthen it?

The well-known physician Z. Freud considered this concept to be the main one in psychoanalysis. It should not be doubted that it is the most important factor determining the existence of mankind and the engine of evolution. What is libido, will be discussed in this article.

Libido - what does this mean?

The theologian Augustine mentions it for the first time in his work "On the City of God", implying the shameful flesh of the flesh. Freud believed that libido is the energy of sexual attraction. Originally the concept affected the attitude of a person not only to people of the opposite sex, but also to parents, children, to himself, to everything that one can embrace with the word love. Later, Freud appealed libido, explaining the essence and causes of mental disorders and neuroses.

Sexual attraction affects the mental development of man, his scientific and artistic activity, sublimation, etc. The process of his formation begins with his birth and undergoes different stages. Any violation leads to mental disorders. In the end, it determines all the behavior of a person pursuing the goal of having fun.

Libido in women - what is it?

Sexual attraction depends on the functioning of all organs and systems of the body, but the main role is played by hormones. Female libido is determined by the level of the hormone estradiol. He defines fervor and attraction. Within a month, the latter undergoes changes and peaks during the period of ovulation, when the chances of conceiving a child are as high as possible. Erotic attraction is not determined by gender differences, but during the growing up of the girl, and after the girl is more likely to experience platonic love, and after receiving the first orgasm there is an attraction to sexual intercourse.

Libido in men - what is it?

In the body of the stronger sex, sexual attraction is also determined by the level of hormones. Prevailing is testosterone. The lower his concentration, the less a man wants sex. Male libido reaches its peak at the age of 25 and lasts for 5 more years, after which it goes on recession. And if women dream of tenderness and affection, then their partners are dominated by sexual aggression and all their actions are aimed only at eliminating the arising tension, that is, erection.

Why does the libido disappear?

Attraction has a huge amount of alluvial social strata and brakes. When love disappears, there is a decreased libido. After all, a person besides a sexual inclination, experiences to the partner and other emotions - concerns as to the friend, the father or mother of the children, etc. Unable to meet any of their needs - the instinct of motherhood, the overcoming of loneliness, the satisfaction of being able to take care of who is near, the partner feels and the extinction of sexual desire.

Reduction of libido in women - causes

  1. Changing the hormonal background. It depends on the menstrual cycle and other biochemical processes in the body. Reduction of libido in women displays symptoms during menopause.
  2. Uncertainty in yourself, your attractiveness. Too strict upbringing in childhood can cause many complexes that do not open up. Over the years, a woman can avoid intimacy due to age-related changes.
  3. Stress, overstrain.
  4. Loss of emotional connection with a partner. In the fair sex, sex and emotions are very closely related and the lack of libido in women is quite natural, if it does not feel a spiritual kinship.
  5. Diseases, taking certain medicines.
  6. Bad food, bad habits.

Reduction of libido in men - the causes

  1. Incorrect, meager food, alcohol abuse and smoking. The latter reduce the level of testosterone in the body, which leads to a disruption of the function of the gonads. All this provokes a violation of the sensitivity of the center of the spinal cord and as a result, there is a decrease in libido in men whose symptoms manifest themselves in unwillingness to have sex.
  2. Obesity. Fat in the body suppresses the production of male hormones and stimulates the production of female hormones. In addition, a man with excess weight is just too lazy to move, it is hard for him, and the load on the heart and blood vessels increases.
  3. Hormonal imbalance.
  4. Stress, fatigue, depression. Problems and conflicts at work and family are reflected negatively on sexual attraction.
  5. Psychological disorders, self-doubt , fear of being mocked by a woman. If you want to know what libido is, you should pay attention to one fact: for a man, the size of the penis and the ability to continue the act for a long time are of great importance. If he is not sure of one or the other, he will avoid coition.
  6. Diseases and medications.
  7. Age.

How to increase libido?

It is necessary to exclude the factors contributing to its reduction. If there are any diseases, deal with their treatment, strive to lead a healthy lifestyle, abandoning bad habits. Asking how to raise a libido, it is recommended to solve their psychological problems. Often without the help of a sex therapist in this case can not do. Try to place the accents correctly and not go into the work, but leave in life a place for simple human joys - communication with the second half and children, meeting with friends, etc.

How to increase libido in women?

In the beautiful half of humanity it is inextricably linked with the psychological mood, it's not for nothing that they say that sex begins long before the bedroom. Of great importance is spiritual unity, and it can not be achieved without emotional affinity with the partner. Therefore, it makes sense to spend more time together, arrange romantic evenings, go to the movies and restaurants, make nice little things for each other and then the libido of women will increase.

In the hustle and bustle of days, do not forget about yourself and pamper yourself with hikes to the hairdresser, make-up artist, cosmetologist. Allowing to spend money on pleasant little things for women - cosmetics, perfumes, clothes. In the arsenal of sexually liberated women must be a beautiful erotic underwear, and by agreement with a partner, you can buy something from sex toys. But the most important thing is not to deceive a man and not to imitate an orgasm, because a libido is a desire to give joy to a partner and receive it himself. There will be no euphoria, so there will be no desire.

How to increase libido in men?

Sexual attraction in the stronger sex wakes up when looking at a beautiful, well-groomed woman. So they are arranged and if the craving for his wife can disappear, then to enter into a relationship with a new partner, the man will be ready immediately. Therefore, if the spouse starts to notice that a perfectly healthy husband does not have the desire to have sex, then he will have to take action. You can provoke an increase in libido in men if you try to become more attractive.

Caring for the skin and body - to engage in any sport that for the sex drive of the woman herself will be useful. Often a man refuses sex because he is tired of being his initiator. He is waiting for the woman to show it, to offer something new, but this does not happen. It is necessary to satisfy the partner's desire to change impressions. You can make love in some unsuitable place or an interesting position, try to realize his sexual fantasies and then the libido of men will increase. The main thing is not to endure pain for his whims, but to have fun together.

Means to increase libido

These include hormonal therapy. Those wishing to know how to increase libido in men, it is worth paying attention to such drugs as andriol TK, methyltestosterone, etc. Women are shown pills sildenafil, tadalafil, etc. They should be prescribed only by a doctor. Of the folk remedies, you can distinguish teas, decoctions and nastoyit from blueberries, rosemary, linden, sage, aloe, nettle, etc. Thymus and the root of ginseng, royal jelly are of great effectiveness.

Vitamins for libido

For both sexes, tocopherol and retinol are of particular importance. The first is not for nothing called a vitamin of youth, because it is responsible for the normal reproduction of the reproductive system, slows down the aging process and oxidative reactions, restores the hormonal background in the body. Under its action during intimate proximity, blood flows to the genitals, moistening the vaginal mucosa and providing a normal erection.

Vitamin A - a libido enhancer, is responsible for the appearance of a woman - the beauty of hair, nails and skin. He also takes part in the formation of the hormonal background and plays a key role in the production of male sex hormones, penetrating the testicles and increasing the production of testosterone and at the same time suppressing the synthesis of estrogens. Asking what libido is and how to increase it, it is necessary to remember that these vitamins are absorbed in the body only in the presence of fats. That is, they are fat-soluble.

Products that increase libido

To increase sexual arousal may be the so-called aphrodisiacs - seafood, honey, spices and spices - ginger, coriander, onion, garlic, burning pepper, cumin, anise, vegetables - broccoli, artichoke, Jerusalem artichoke, eggplant. Products for libido are chocolate, nuts, seeds, dried fruits.