Value of the number 3

Numerology is the science of the secret meaning of numbers. Philosophers of antiquity and mystics tried to explain with their help the laws of the universe. Only the crumbs of that knowledge have reached us, but still today numerology is used to make predictions. The most well-known is the method of adding all the digits of a date before birth to a single digit, the value of which will be a characteristic of the personality. If your number is three, then you can be envied, the value of this figure in numerology is very good, such people are by nature leaders, they can do much.

The total value of the number 3 in numerology

The number three is very cheerful and life-loving, it is endowed with healthy optimism, imagination and inspiration. People born under this number are very emotional, have good artistic taste and creative talent, are successful in self-expression. The three give the gift of foresight, the ability to speak beautifully and convince others of their own right. Such people are prone to dreaminess and do not like practicality, however, their dreams are more often than not others fulfilled. They are endowed with a large reserve of enthusiasm, and therefore they are able to do even the impossible.

But figure 3 also has a negative value, such as wastefulness, propensity to slapstick, talkative, love of gossip and lack of commitment. Such people do not know how to forgive and often are self-centered, they are prone to frequent changes in moods, which does not allow you to finish all the things that have been started up to the end.

For the three are characteristic amber, blood-red, ruby ​​and pink colors.

Influence of number three on human relations

For a person born under the sign of the triple, it is very important to be popular and loved, especially among people of the opposite sex. Troika gives its owner the ability to love hard, sacrificing his own interests for the sake of the well-being of a partner. Number three can not live only for their own comfort and luxury, because in this case, his creativity will be ruined.

Favorable opportunities for the trio

Best of all, the three get business related to the opportunity to give beauty .. Areas of activity that involve physical activity and limit the use of a rich imagination will kill the spirit of a happy and trusting person. Routine is not for these people, they can achieve happiness only if they can be creative. The number three is very lucky and has the ability to attract money.

Troika gives a person the ability to express themselves in any field of activity, but especially those that are related to art - design, drawing, literature, theater and cinema - will be especially successful. The oratorical skill is given especially well to the threes, therefore the professions of the lecturer, commentator and consultant are also favorable.

Real estate and investment sphere, fashion, toys, hairdressers, beauty salons, libraries, restaurants, gift shops - the three everywhere will find an application.

In numerology, figure 3 has a mystical meaning, symbolizing the three faces of the mother goddess (in Christianity the Holy Trinity), so such people can find themselves in religion.