What does the number 13 mean?

For millennia, mankind has given special importance to numbers, for they are surrounded by all that exists and of them it is.

The world consists of numbers

At the heart of all laws of the universe are mathematical dogmas and any, even the smallest, particle can be described with their help. So, is it any wonder that since ancient times, in any more or less developed society, there has been a special attitude toward numbers and people have tried to relate to them not only vital everyday or calendar needs, but also their own destiny, considering that it is encoded with a special numerical code that defines each event in our perishable life. Naturally, each digit had its own meaning and characteristic properties only for it, although for different peoples, the essence and meaning of the same numbers could be interpreted in different ways, which often caused disputes and various inconsistencies.

A fucking dozen?

One of such ambiguous mathematical signs has always been the number 13. In modern European civilization, any child has heard that it brings misfortune, and the fear of the number 13 (or triskaidecaphobia) is considered one of the most common phobias . In some hotels, even the thirteenth floor is not available: after the twelfth, the fourteenth immediately begins. This is done so that too superstitious customers do not feel uncomfortable.

About the meaning of number 13, whole treatises have been written, especially a lot of reasoning on this subject is given in medieval alchemical works, as well as in magical grimoires and in them, as a rule, it is considered a number of darkness and devil, giving initiates virtually unlimited power over demons .

In the eastern civilizations, particularly in China, on the other hand, the "fucking dozen" was seen as a sign of luck and prosperity, and people born on the thirteenth were always looked with envy, considering them to be the spoils of fate.

What is the number 13 in Christianity and with what it is associated in this great religion is also widely known. Thanks to Judas, the thirteenth apostle, it became a symbol of lies and betrayal , which carries only evil in itself. However, in other beliefs, in particular, in the religion of the ancient Aztecs, this figure meant a transition to a new level of existence of the human soul. The Aztecs divided the sky into thirteen steps, each symbolizing death, but this death, in their opinion, was only a door to the new, upper world and to enter it, was considered a special honor, since it meant that the higher forces recognized the lifetime merits of man and bestowed upon him a higher rank in the afterlife hierarchy.

But anyway, at all times the magic of number 13 excited minds and attracted to itself like a magnet, despite its "dark reputation" and even in our technological age, being the bearer of a great mystery, this figure seems to be not going to give anyone the palm of primacy, being in line with the most mystical numbers.