The Meaning of Numbers in Human Life

In this article, you can find out the meaning of numbers in a person's life, and also what hide these simple numbers in them and why it is with the help of numbers that any encodings are implemented. No wonder there is a whole science dealing with the study of the effect of numbers on human life - numerology .

The meaning of numbers is that each digit has a certain set of characteristics, images and properties. If you carry out a numerological transformation of the name or date of birth to a number, you can determine the gifts of nature, the nature of the character and the side of the person.

By calculating the date of birth, you can learn important information about the life's future. Knowing your path and following it, a person gets the opportunity to use all the chances that fate has given him. When calculating your number, the secret of the date of birth will be fully disclosed.

Consider, for example, the calculation of the date of birth. This is easy enough. For this, all the digits of the date of birth are added.

Date of birth: April 15, 1983. Next, do the following: 1 + 5 + 4 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 3 = 31 = 3 + 1 = 4. Thus, we get the number of destiny - 4.

The interpretation of all the numbers of fate can be found in this article .

Numbers in a person's life

The number of lives is able to tell a person about what his life mission is. The date of birth is a constant companion of life. Fate every time presents new obstacles and difficulties. At such times, the number of lives helps to resist the shock and overcome obstacles without difficulties.

The number of life is a kind of key to the code of fate, which occupies an important place in the construction of important plans. Code of fate is able to prepare a person for the fact that more than once have to face "steep" turns. But the number of life also exists so that this does not happen.

Negative numbers in human life

Numbers in a person's life play a huge role. There are positive and negative numbers. Each figure gives a person certain opportunities in life. When pursuing a number, you need to pay attention, since this can be a warning.

0 is a number that does not have an energy charge. A symbol of eternity and emptiness. A person can constantly start his life from scratch, like a newborn baby.

Many consider the number 13 unsuccessful and intimidating. This number is reduced to 4. But, if a person constantly finds in life the number 13, then this can be a warning about the coming changes. That is, the old will go into the past, and in return a new present will come.