Autumn pruning of cherries

Cherry is a tree that regularly yields fruits year after year, so some gardeners do not see the point in its pruning. However, this procedure is mandatory in the autumn and in the spring, so that the amount and quality of the harvest, the tree life and susceptibility to various diseases directly depend on it. This article is all about the autumn pruning of cherries.

When and how to trim cherries?

As for the timing of the autumn pruning of cherries, this will depend on the climate in this particular region. In the north, this is beginning to be done in the middle of September, and in the south - in late November. The main thing is that the tree is in a state of rest, but the first frost has not yet had time to exert its influence on it. Landings of the first year of life are not cut off, but those older are subjected to sanitary pruning, removing dried and diseased branches. In addition, correct pruning of cherries in autumn means thinning the crown and removing branches that grow in an undesirable direction, rub, cross, etc.

For beginners, this information regarding the pruning of cherries in autumn will be useful: a heavily densified crown is released from unnecessary branches not at once but in 2-3 seasons, otherwise after one such grandiose pruning a tree may not survive. When removing a branch, it is necessary to leave at least a few kidneys on it, otherwise it is cut completely. When starting the thinning procedure, it is necessary to take into account the type of cherry, which can be bushy and tree-like. In the latter, yearly shoots are shortened each year, so that lateral branches and twigs with fruits go into growth. With the bush, such work is not carried out.

As already mentioned, pruning of a young cherry is not carried out, and in the adult branch of the first tier, it should move away from the trunk at an angle not exceeding 40 degrees. You can create a strong skeleton if you remove all branches that claim to be the top.