Exercises for posture at home

A beautiful posture is an ornament for women, but not many can boast of it. It's all the fault of frequent sitting in the wrong posture, long work on the legs, etc. There are special exercises for improving posture at home, which will achieve good results. With regular exercise, you can correct existing problems and strengthen your back muscles. In addition, the condition of the muscles of the press and arms improves, and the muscle tone is normalized. In addition, a habit is developed to maintain a correct posture.

Complex exercises for posture

To begin with, I would like to consider some rules for maintaining the correct position of the spine. Firstly, it refers to excess weight, which loads the spine. Secondly, with strong curvatures, it is recommended to use an additional corrector. Third, make sure that your back is straight as you sit and walk.

Before considering the technique of performing some exercises to improve posture, it is necessary to dwell on some rules. To get a good result, conduct classes 3-4 times a week. The course of exercise therapy lasts 2 months, and then, a break for 1 month. You can repeat the program up to four times a year. Do not do the same exercises, because their effectiveness is reduced, and you will not be able to get the desired result. Repeat each exercise 15-20 times.

Exercises to correct posture at home:

  1. The Cat . This exercise is best done at the beginning of training, in order to warm up the muscles. IP - sit on all fours, putting your feet and arms across the width of your shoulders. The task - exhaling, bend in the back, directing the head and looking down. In this case, it is recommended to tilt the pelvis forward. Inhalation should be bent in the back. In each position it is important to feel the stretching of the muscles.
  2. "Crossroads" . This exercise for posture at home still helps to maintain balance, and yet it stretches the lower back muscles. The IP is identical to the first exercise. It is important to place your hands under your shoulders. The tension should be the muscles of the back and the press. The task is to raise your right arm and the opposite leg at the same time. It is important to try to keep them on the same level. Hold the position for 5 seconds, and then, return to the PI and do the same in the other direction.
  3. The "Boat" . This exercise is considered difficult, but it is quite effective. IP - sit on your stomach, stretching your arms in front of you. The task is to raise your legs, arms and upper body at the same time. As a result, the body will look like a boat. Hold for as long as possible in this position, and then, relax and repeat the same.
  4. Dumbbell cultivation in slope . The complex should include an exercise with dumbbells for posture , as it allows you to pump muscles that are important for keeping your back in a level position. FE - stand with your legs at shoulder level. In straightened hands, keep dumbbells in front of you. The task - on four accounts, spread your hands to the sides, reaching a parallel with the floor, while they can be slightly bent at the elbows. After that, go back to the IP.
  5. Push-ups from the wall . This exercise is considered effective for pumping the muscles of the back. Push-ups from the wall are the simplest, but if physical conditioning allows, you can press and off the floor. Stand near the wall and put your hands in it. Keep your legs straight, and the emphasis should be on your toes. Zoom into the wall, bending your arms in the elbows and holding them near the body. It is important to keep your back straight.