How to pump the bottom press?

Many girls are interested in the question of how to pump the bottom press. So they plan to get rid of fat deposits that often accumulate in this part in connection with physiology - a woman should become a mother, that's the body and is preparing a "shock absorber" that will protect the fruit from the outside. That's just training the lower press does not help get rid of this annoying crease, which is ugly manifested under a thin dress.

Lower part of the press: get rid of fat

Before pumping the bottom of the press, it is important to get rid of fat. Otherwise, you will really form a tight muscular skeleton, but under the fatty fold, no one will notice it. A flat stomach is when the fold on the abdomen is no more than 1-1.5 centimeters. All the rest is already superfluous.

By the way, the lower muscles of the press - this is a conventional name, as well as the lower cubes of the press. In fact, the stomach is covered by one large abdominal muscle, which can contract in different departments.

To get rid of fat you need not exercise, but aerobic exercises: in this sense, the results are excellent with rope, with a weighted hoop (which weighs 3 kg) and, of course, running. And any of these actions should take at least 40 minutes a day in total - if, of course, you want comparatively fast results.

You will get the best effect if you get up early in the morning, drink a small cup of bitter coffee without milk and sugar (it gives an extra fat-burning effect) and go for a jog (or jump at home with a rope, preferably at an open window). You can start with 15-20 minutes, but this is just for habituation: the first 20 minutes the body consumes calories, which you got with food, and only further time - fat deposits on the body. Therefore, running less than 30-40 minutes for weight loss does not make sense, but only strengthens your lungs and cardiovascular system (which, incidentally, is also excellent). If it's hard for you, you can alternate running and walking.

As it is easy to guess, the bottom press at home is just running you will not help. If you do not imagine yourself without sweet, fat, flour and chocolate, you need to practice for a few hours a day! Of course, very few people are able to allocate so much time for sports, so it's easier to limit their consumption of high-calorie food: fast food, sweets, deep-fried foods and other things.

Only if you observe all this, it makes sense to learn how to pump the bottom press at home. All these measures together will give a quick result!

How to pump the bottom press of a girl?

The question of how quickly to pump the bottom press is quite difficult in itself - if only because the lower press is, as a rule, not used to feel, this part of the muscle is rather passive. In this regard, the usual exercises on the press have little impact on it.

Currently, one of the best ways to effectively pump the bottom press is an exercise "reverse twisting". To perform it, you need to lie on your back on the floor, bend your knees, place your hands along the body. From this position it is necessary to tear the hips from the floor as high as possible, twisting, but not tearing off the blades from the floor. After attaining the maximum point you need to slowly "unwind", but do not put feet on the floor. It is very important in the performance of this particular, final phase, which is usually given with difficulty and gives out a weak muscle.

Another great option is lifting the legs in the vise. If you are in a fitness club, there must necessarily be a special machine for this exercise. If it is not there, or if you are at home, use an ordinary horizontal bar.

It is important in the exercise to ensure that the raising of the legs occurs by the efforts of the lower press, and not the upper and not the muscles of the thighs. This should be used, in the future, the exercises will be given much easier. In this case, how to pump the bottom press will not be a problem for you!