Febrile convulsions - why they arise, what are dangerous and what can be done?

In adults, febrile convulsions may appear at high temperature, they are also called partial. In these cases, you need to urgently consult a doctor for help in order to determine and eliminate the cause of their occurrence. Correctly diagnosed and timely treatment helps to avoid serious complications.

Why do febrile seizures occur?

Involuntary contraction of muscles, manifested as spasms of varying intensity, is called febrile convulsions. They arise suddenly and last a short time (from a couple of seconds to two or three minutes), but then again after a certain period. These convulsions are accompanied by severe pain in the excitation zone, which may not last for several days.

Febrile convulsions at body temperature are also called "febrile." They occur when the mercury column exceeds the 38 ° C mark. Spasms depend on:

The human brain has complex systems. For example, one of them creates a discharge for bioelectrical activity, and the second - can suppress it. In a healthy body, the absorbing function is more developed, but when a failure occurs, then convulsions arise. Answering the question about what other causes of febrile seizures exist, we can say about the following factors:

How are febrile seizures manifested?

In an adult, convulsions at a temperature are manifested in all the muscles of the body. At the beginning of the attack, the patient begins a rhythmic twitching of the body. This process gradually weakens and ends. During a seizure, the following can occur:

Febrile convulsions or chills?

At a temperature febrile convulsions in adults can last no longer than fifteen minutes, while periodically repeating. A sick person must necessarily provide first aid, so a specialist should be called immediately. Before the arrival of doctors, try to minimize the heat with the help of medicines and cool compresses with vinegar.

Febrile convulsions or epilepsy?

Atypical febrile convulsions are very easy to confuse with epilepsy . Differentiate and put the correct diagnosis can only a neurologist, which you should contact after the first attack. The specialist will send you to a comprehensive survey consisting of:

Febrile convulsions are consequences

Sometimes febrile convulsions become epilepsy. According to statistics, this occurs in 2% of patients who have experienced muscle spasms several times. This phenomenon is associated with a very acute oxygen deficiency in neurons. Hypoxia triggers a process such as apoptosis - the death of cells programmed genetically. Necrosis affects certain areas in the cerebral cortex, where the focus is formed.

When you or your relatives have febrile convulsions, emergency care should be provided immediately. If this is not done, the patient may experience irreversible processes:

Febrile convulsions - what to do?

Uninformed in medicine people are caught unawares by the convulsions at the temperature of the adult, what to do with this, one should know to everyone, remembering the following rules:

  1. Give the patient antipyretic drugs ( Paracetamol , Acetylsalicylic acid).
  2. Call for an ambulance.
  3. Lay the victim as vertically as possible.
  4. Remember the time of onset and duration of the attack, observe the nature of the convulsions in order to convey this information to a specialist.

Febrile convulsions - first aid

Before the arrival of an ambulance with doctors, assistance with febrile convulsions should be provided at home on their own:

  1. Do not let the patient clench your teeth.
  2. Call for help from neighbors or relatives.
  3. Apply a warming compress or ice to the affected area.
  4. Provide the affected person with peace, but do not leave unattended.
  5. If the person's breathing has stopped, then wait for the end of the attack and make artificial respiration.
  6. Ensure a constant flow of fresh air in the room.

During febrile seizures, it is forbidden:

  1. Keep the patient by force, because this can lead to injury.
  2. Insert objects into the mouth and put out the tongue, as foreign bodies can enter the respiratory tract, and there is the possibility of damage to the oral cavity.
  3. Give water or medicines so that they do not interfere with bad breath.
  4. Cool the patient in a cold bath, because this process can cause heart failure.

Treatment of febrile seizures

Treatment of convulsions at the temperature in adults is carried out in two stages:

Drug treatment is performed after a complete examination, diagnosis, prescribing by an experienced neurologist and under his constant supervision. If you start taking medication yourself or not suitable for you, then they will not only help, but will also greatly harm. Doctors in such diseases conduct anticonvulsant therapy, consisting of anticonvulsants:

If you have a high fever, there were febrile convulsions, then for their prevention you need:

  1. Observe the regime of the day and sleep at least 8 hours a day.
  2. Often ventilate the room.
  3. To eat properly and properly.
  4. To drink a lot of water.
  5. Do sport.
  6. In time, treat viral and infectious diseases.
  7. Avoid high temperatures.