Cross-dress flower

There are a lot of exotic indoor plants in the world that are quite comfortable in our conditions. One of them - a flower cross-country, moved to us from the hot coast of the island of Ceylon ( Sri Lanka ). About how to properly care for the crossword will be discussed in our article.

How to care for a cross-dress?

Until recently Ceylon beauty cross-dress was considered a plant unsuitable for domestic cultivation. To achieve from it flowering, and simply to keep, it was possible only in the conditions of a greenhouse. But the breeders worked on this problem, which resulted in the appearance of a new variety - the crossword of fortune. Of course, it also requires strict implementation of all care recommendations, but it is still able to survive in the conditions of an ordinary apartment. So, what conditions are necessary for a fortune crooks?

  1. Illumination. Like all the inhabitants of the tropics, the cross-country needs a lot of light and is afraid of direct sunlight. Therefore, the best place for it will be the eastern or western windows. On the south side, the cross-deck will have to be shaded, and on the north side it will have to be illuminated.
  2. Temperature. The optimal temperature for the cross-band will be from + 22 ° to + 27 °. In the winter, when the light is clearly not enough for the plant, the cross-dresses arrange a rest period, reducing the temperature to + 18 °. At the same time sharply move the pot with it from one room to another is not worth - will discard the leaves.
  3. Watering. Pour the cross-arm follows with warm water and with a certain degree of caution. The earth in the pot with it must be able to dry between waterings. If the unplanted plant can still be saved by increasing the number of irrigation, then the flooded plant will certainly die.
  4. Humidity. The cross-dressing can also suffer a lot from very dry air. To increase the humidity in the room with it you can install an aquarium or simply spray it regularly with warm water.
  5. Reproduction of the cross-band. Propagate the cross-arm with lateral or apical cuttings, separating them during periodic pruning. Before planting in the soil cuttings should be rooted in water or a substrate, covered with a mini-greenhouse from a jar or plastic bag.