Lean monthly

As you know, it is timely menstruation that proves that the female reproductive system works correctly. However, doctors also call other very important parameters of menstrual flow, among which: duration, intensity, volume. It is the latter that is often used in determining the cause of a violation. Let's take a closer look at it and try to answer the question as to why women have scanty months.

What should normally be menstruation?

Before to name the basic reasons of very poor monthly, it is necessary to tell about what parameters are characteristic for a normal menstruation. Typically, doctors call the following characteristics of this process:

What is "hypomenorrhea" and how is it manifested?

Scanty monthly brown color in gynecology is usually called hypomenorea. In this case, as a rule, a woman observes the appearance on the pad of only individual droplets of blood or, as the doctors say, traces of menstruation. This kind of phenomenon indicates a violation of the gynecological nature. However, it is worth noting that in a woman's life there are 2 periods in which hypomenorrhea is regarded as a norm: the formation and extinction of the menstrual cycle.

The very same violation as hypomenorrhea can be of 2 types: primary and secondary. The first type is said when the disease develops if the girl has never had a normal menses, and instead, only brown drops of blood are observed.

About secondary hypomenorrhea is said when a woman, for certain reasons, has a meager and short month.

Because of what can be observed meager menstrual discharge?

One of the most common causes of this disorder may be failure of the function of the ovaries and the pituitary gland. It is these 2 glands that are directly involved in the production of hormones.

Also, this phenomenon can often be observed as a consequence of ovarian dysfunction. It in turn can be caused by hormonal failures, inflammatory processes in the reproductive organs ( adnexitis, oophoritis , etc.).

It must be said that scanty menstruation can be noted when taking birth control pills, tk. most of them are made on the basis of hormones. As a rule, this happens with prolonged and uncontrolled use of oral contraceptives.

Lean monthly may be after delivery, especially in cases where a young mother, for certain reasons, does not breast feed the baby. In such a situation, menstruation can be observed as early as 6-8 weeks after the birth of the baby. Unemployable menstruation in such cases is not regarded as a violation, because the body needs time to restore the hormonal system.

If the scanty monthly are observed directly during pregnancy, then in such cases it is necessary to immediately see a doctor. Maybe it's not menstruation, but starting uterine bleeding or placental abruption. Both of these violations require urgent medical care.

When the girl, after the delay, went to a scanty month, we can assume that there was a pregnancy, which was interrupted at a very short time.

How does the abundance of menstruation affect conception?

One of the frequent questions asked by women is whether it is possible to get pregnant with scanty menstruation.

It must be said that the volume of secretions in itself does not affect the genital function in any way. However, in most situations, this phenomenon is a symptom of a violation, which can already be an obstacle to conception.