What if I'm pregnant?

"If I found out that I'm pregnant, what should I do?" - this question, of course, worries everyone who first saw 2 strips on their pregnancy test. But most of all the panic causes this result when the future mother is not yet 18 years old. There's nothing you need to do for pregnant women you do not know, nor how to tell the parents and the father of a future child such a news.

I think I'm pregnant, what should I do next?

Before you panic, you should make sure of your pregnancy. A slight delay may not be a consequence of pregnancy, at this age the menstrual cycle is only being established. Therefore, to begin with, you need to make several pregnancy tests or go to a women's consultation, where they make an analysis for HCG - it will allow you to determine whether pregnancy is present and its term.

What if I learned that I'm pregnant?

After the pregnancy is confirmed, you need to decide to leave the child or have an abortion. It is clear that the birth of a child is a great joy in the life of any woman, even such a young woman. But it is not always possible to leave the child, because the baby needs to provide normal conditions, which will require the help of at least his own parents. Therefore, we need to assess the situation, whether parents will help, the father of the future child and his family. But it is worth remembering that if there is an opportunity to save the baby, then it must be done. And it's not even that a small life is priceless, although it's certainly so, abortion can not have a good effect on women's health. And early abortions are even more dangerous, not only is this a serious psychological stress, a young organism can react negatively to such an intervention, which later leads to various problems in this area, and even to infertility. So, when choosing an abortion, you need to think about this decision more than once. Cutting the heat "a guy will throw, parents scream, but friends do not understand" and decide to get rid of the child is not necessary. To begin with, you need to calm down (yes, the situation is not simple, but the case is not an isolated one, other people have found a way out, that means you will find yourself) and talk to all interested persons - parents and your boyfriend.

How to tell a guy that I'm pregnant?

Thinking about what to do, if it turned out that you are pregnant, of course, you want to tell the whole of the father of the child. But there is also a fear "if he will understand, but will not give up after such news". In any case, it is necessary to say, and even if it does not understand, the decision about abortion should be taken only by the future mother. How to tell him about this depends only on your relationship. If there is no certainty in a positive reaction (and such a reaction does not happen in 98% of cases), then it is better to tell about a joyful event by phone. So it's easier for you, and he does not need to "hold his face". Do not expect that he will immediately show his final attitude to this event. By and large it does not matter, your peer is a guy or older than you, for any male creature, the news of a partner's pregnancy is unexpected and not always pleasant. Therefore, he will need time to understand this news. Perhaps, first will be said and harsh words, it is not necessary on their basis to decide on the fate of the future baby. Often guys, after thinking about the situation for several days, realize their responsibility and themselves rush to dissuade the girl from abortion. But even if the guy is totally against it, talk to your parents and think for yourself if you want this child.

How to tell mom and dad about pregnancy?

Often parents, hearing that their underage daughter is pregnant, roll scandals, begin talking about the ruined future, and other unpleasant things. The main thing at this moment is not to succumb to emotions, to give parents the opportunity to "digest" this news. Most parents after a sound thought agree that the daughter should be supported, regardless of whether she decides to have an abortion or leave the child. It is not worthwhile to drag the story about your situation to the parents, they will find out earlier, they will understand and accept (accept) your new position, in any case there will already be certainty, you will already know from whom to wait for help, and from whom it is not worth it.