The first months of a girl

The first months of a girl's life is always an important event, which needs to be prepared in advance for both the child and all members of the family. For 2 - 2,5 years before the onset of menarche (the first menstruation), puberty begins. The girl's organism starts to produce female hormones, the reproductive system is being formed. It is hormonal changes that are the cause of a tense psychological state, sharp mood swings, aggressive reactions to such simple things as help at home or comments about behavior. Sexual maturation begins with the growth of the breast, later the pubic hair and armpits appear. There is an acceleration of growth - during this period girls are much higher than their peers. Because the growth rate of bones, muscle and adipose tissue is different, teenage clumsiness appears, which is a psychological problem for girls. It also increases the production of sebaceous and sweat glands, which leads to the appearance of a specific smell of sweat and acne on the face, chest and back. Transparent or whitish discharge from the vagina, in the absence of itching and smell, are also part of puberty. The task of the parents during this period is lucidly explaining to the child that these temporary phenomena are only a consequence of the formation of the organism, since for children such changes can cause strong experiences and complexes. Also, you need to take care of proper, balanced nutrition. The strict diets that many girls plague themselves in the adolescent period, subsequently adversely affect the reproductive system and the ability to have full, healthy children.

At the first signs of menstruation, it is necessary to have a conversation with the child so that the girl is not frightened and psychologically prepared. The purpose of the conversation is to explain how the organism develops, to teach how to use hygiene products. The first signs of menses are an increase in the mammary glands, sharp mood swings, increased fatigue, attacks of headache, increased appetite, spasms in the lower abdomen.

When girls start critical days, we also need to closely monitor the normalization of the cycle, with alarming symptoms to identify the cause. Any disease of the genitourinary system, not cured in the early stages, will negatively affect the state of health in the future. Therefore, with the onset of menstruation, the girl needs to understand which phenomena are normal, and which indicate violations in the body. To do this, let's look at how critical days for girls start and run.

Depending on the climate, nutrition, psychological condition, the age of onset of the first menstrual period in girls can vary. Poor nutrition can adversely affect puberty and the formation of the body, also affect the development of stressful situations.

Most often, menstruation in girls starts at 12-13 years. At the appearance of the first menstruation earlier than 9 or later 14-15 years, it is worthwhile to conduct a survey, since such deviations may indicate the diseases of the genitourinary system, developmental disorders of the body. The first time a month for girls usually last 3-7 days, the cycle has a 28-30 day duration. Over time, the cycle duration is 21-35 days. In the first year, the monthly periods for girls may not be regular, but after the cycle is established, any violations are the reason for the visit to the doctor. If the cycle is not established within 1-1,5 years, then this also indicates a deviation. Before the establishment of the cycle, the periods between menstruation in girls may range from 1.5 to 3 months, too frequent or very rare monthly signs of health problems. In the absence of menarche and acute attacks of pain in the lower abdomen, you need to see a doctor - this may indicate a deviation in development, in which the hole in the hymen grows and the blood does not go outside. Such an anomaly is dangerous because the blood stagnates and can get into the ovaries, then it is necessary to do the operation. Moderate pain during critical days is not a cause for concern, the cause may be a hymen that interferes with normal blood flow or serious exercise. Seek help from a specialist if:

Hygienic procedures during critical days consist in frequent water procedures and the use of special equipment (pads). The use of tampons for girls is undesirable, although they do not affect the physical structure of the genital organs, can lead to intoxication of an unformed and immature organism.

From the first day of menstruation, it is necessary to start the menstruation calendar, in which it is necessary to mark the first and last day of each menstruation. At first time parents need to be reminded to mark the desired dates. A monthly calendar is needed for girls so that it can be determined when the cycle is normalized, and also in time to identify cycle irregularities that need to be addressed.

To critical days for the girl were not a heavy burden, it is necessary to take a number of simple actions. Do health gymnastics, watch your diet, stick to the daily routine. During the period of a month, provide the child with a full rest. Do not aggravate conflicts - you must understand that the cause of the appearance of aggression are hormonal

differences, and not lack of respect for elders.

To avoid problems of adolescence, which usually begin with the first monthly, parents need to learn to see in their child a person worthy of respect, to become a faithful friend who does not suppress, but, on the contrary, always supports.