Bile of a bear - medicinal properties

The bear's bile is almost universal medicine, the medicinal properties of which save from a lot of sores to this day. It is used not only in folk recipes, but also in medicines. The incredible benefit is that the bear is the largest carnivore of those who accumulate fat to hibernation, which means that there are a lot of nutrients in it.

You can buy a medicinal product in the pharmacy or in people who are purposefully engaged in bile extraction for sale, hunting clubbirds. Keep in mind that it will not be superfluous to check all the necessary documents from them. Otherwise, instead of healing, you can get the disease.

Healing properties of the bile of a bear

Bear bile contains many components, the benefits of which have long been proven. About a hundred different ailments can be cured or weakened with it.

  1. The greatest benefit of its properties, when properly applied, is brought to people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. There are drugs with the use of its medicinal properties from ulcers and gastritis .
  2. People who suffer from cancer, often prescribed infusions based on the bile of the bear. Maybe this will not cure them completely, but the manifestation of painful symptoms will definitely weaken.
  3. With its help, you can even partially restore a weak vision and cure some eye diseases.
  4. Take a bear bile can and for the general maintenance of tonus. Its properties consist in strengthening our body and creating a permanent immunity to various ailments.

How to prepare the bile of a bear?

Let's analyze how to properly prepare the bile of a bear so that it does not lose its healing properties:

  1. Already dry bear bile and carefully wipe it on a grater or grind it with a knife.
  2. Take 0.5 liters of vodka without any additives (you can take 40% alcohol) and fill it with the mixture prepared in advance (0.5 grams will be enough for 25 grams of bile).
  3. We put the infusion in a dark warm place and wait no more than two weeks.

At one time, never consume more than one tablespoon of infusion. From overabundance, you can just burn your stomach. It is not recommended to engage in self-medication with the help of the bile of a bear without first visiting a doctor. Each has its own individual susceptibility to drugs and folk remedies. The use of an unlimited amount of medicine for recreational purposes will not give the desired effect. So take care of your health and the correct application of the prescription.