Pregnancy after drug abortion

Sometimes women, due to various circumstances, take such a step as abortion. The most gentle method is the use of medicines under the supervision of a doctor. But still, such procedures are stressful for the body and can cause various complications.

The causes of the negative consequences of medical abortion

It should be understood that there is a possibility that in the future there may be difficulties with the onset of pregnancy after drug abortion. The risk of such complications increases in a number of cases:

It is impossible to predict in advance whether a woman can easily become pregnant after a drug abortion.

Conception after abortion

After the procedure, the couple should take care of reliable contraceptives. Ovulation after medical abortion, in most cases occurs regularly, because the fertilization of the egg is possible within a few weeks after the abortion. But it is better to wait about six months after taking the pill and be sure to consult a gynecologist.

Components of pharmaceuticals that are used for abortion can cause impairment in the development of the fetus. In addition, although the procedure does not injure the walls of the uterus and its neck, but the hormonal background, which does not have time to recover in a short time, can cause difficulties with bearing.

It is possible to delay menstruation up to 10 days after drug abortion. Most often the cycle is restored quickly, so if there are violations it is better to visit a specialist for examination.