
The feeling of envy is familiar to every person. The history is rich in examples, when betrayals, influencing the destinies of peoples, were committed with envy. Perhaps, in everyday life, envy does not cause such global harm, but it is quite possible to fundamentally spoil life and envy and object of envy. What is envy and how to deal with it? The answers to these questions lie in the causes of envy.

To gain a deeper understanding of this feeling one can turn to the wisdom of the people and the people's thinkers. After all, every people has a lot of quotes and aphorisms about envy. Aphorisms about white envy, aphorisms about black envy, aphorisms about the envy of women and about the envy of friends. And whatever wisdom we take as an example, the essence will be one - envy devastates and destroys, brings misfortune to all whom it touches. So is it worth giving your life to the power of this destructive feeling? Or try to figure out how to get rid of envy? But it's one thing when this feeling concerns only one person who decides to defeat envy, and quite another is to watch people close and friends suffer from their own envy. And among other things, on the path of success, one encounters envy of people, which certainly darkens the taste of victory. In each case, the methods of fighting envy will be different, but there are general recommendations.

How to get rid of a feeling of envy?

The feeling of envy is always equated with sin, since it has a destructive nature. Therefore, with envy in your heart, it is necessary to fight swiftly and mercilessly. And first you need to find the reasons for this feeling. Most often, the cause of envy is the feeling of fear of being defeated, being worse than anyone. But fear does not arise from scratch. When a person does not like himself, when he does not accept his essence with all the advantages and disadvantages, then the person begins to try to hide from those around him that he considers unworthy. Complexes develop on the basis of which idealization of surrounding people arises. As a consequence, a person devotes his life to the desire to possess the best things, to be better, to live better. But he builds all this on comparisons with someone, and therefore can not feel satisfaction from his activity. The concepts of good and bad envy are conditional, and the difference is only whether this feeling brings harm to others. But for an envious person it does not matter what envy devastates him. In this case, the best defense against your black envy is to accept yourself. Accept faults along with merits, do not be afraid to admit that you are not as ideal as you wanted to seem. Once a person accepts his essence, he is left with the fear of being exposed, abandons his desire to become better than someone. When a person loves himself, he will not want to exchange even a part of his individuality for any wealth, and the more he will not exhaust himself with reflections that someone is better off. On the contrary, every success of friends and relatives will bring sincere joy, and make a person happy.

How to get rid of the envy of girlfriends or a friend?

Most often, envy arises in relation to people of the same circle, the same social status. Therefore the problem of envy of friends is very common. In men, jealousy is most often manifested by anger, ridicule, and attempts to humiliate. It is more difficult to understand how to get rid of female envy, because women are different in the ability to mask their feelings. Of course, it's easiest to limit contact with envious people, but sometimes, it's impossible. If you feel that your successes cause jealousy of relatives, then it is more correct to frankly talk about this topic and try to help deal with the feelings that have arisen. Do not blame friends for envy, because many are not even able to admit this feeling to themselves. The purpose of the conversation is to save a loved one from emotional distress, to reconsider the attitude towards oneself, to accept and love oneself. Help your friends find something that would make them happy. Then, instead of envying and trying to be the best, they will take care of their own well-being, and soon, you will also be happy for their successes.

You can, of course, consider jealousy as a trait of character, or as a consequence of life's difficulties. But this is just a complex, an outgrowth on the soul, which prevents living a full life. To invent excuses or to struggle is the personal choice of everyone. Just do not forget that for every choice and for its consequences we are responsible, and it's up to us whether we will rejoice in our happiness, or just watch the happiness of others.