Holy Matrona - miracles and predictions that come true

Only a few receive a gift from God to help people who believe. Among the most famous saints is Matrona Matrona, who lived by the commandments of God, healing people and directing them on the right path. Everyone has the opportunity to turn to her for help.

How does Saint Matron help?

My mother always said that it is not she who helps people, but the Lord, to whom she addresses. Before her death, Blessed asked that all people come to her and talk as if she were alive, telling her about her problems. Holy Matrona Moscow helps in different situations:

  1. There is no list indicating what can be addressed to a saint, but judging by the opinions of people, you can come to her with various troubles that occurred in the family, at work and in other spheres.
  2. St. Matron helps in various everyday needs, so they ask her about marriage, healing, love, help and protection.
  3. Women ask mother for help in conceiving and giving birth to a healthy child .
  4. Everyone who prays to the Matron with a pure heart and soul receives advice and support. It strengthens faith and teaches us to trust and rely on the faith of the Lord.

There is one custom among pilgrims - to bring holy living flowers. In the Intercession Monastery, near the cancer with the relics of the Matrona, there are always a lot of luxurious bouquets. People who bring flowers receive from the clergy in return a few plants that were consecrated on the relics. They must be brought home and dried, and then stored near the image of Matrona. Sanctified plants can be used to brew tea, which you need to drink and pray for healing from ailments.

The Life of Saint Matrona

The future saint was born in the Tula region in the village of Sebino in 1881 in a poor peasant family. When Matrona's mother was pregnant, she thought about giving the child to a shelter, since there was nothing to feed another child. At night, a woman had a prophetic dream, where a white bird appeared to her, who had a human face, but with her eyes closed, and sat down on her arm. After this, the woman decided to leave the child, and the future holy blessed Matrona Moskovskaya appeared, and she was blind.

When the girl was baptized, at the moment of her lowering into the font people saw how she was surrounded by a table of fragrant smoke. This was an indication that the child was chosen to serve the Lord. The life of the Holy Matron was filled with various miracles and trials.

  1. The Blessed One had no eyes at all, and her eyelids tightly tightened her eyes. In the chest area, she had a bulge, which had the shape of a cross.
  2. When the girl was 8 years old, she had a gift, and she could treat people and predict the future.
  3. People began to come to her to get advice or help, and the blessed one did not refuse. The glory of the saint spread far beyond her native village.
  4. At seventeen, Matrona's legs were denied, and she lived "sedentary" for the next 50 years of her life. She made prophecies not only for people, but for whole countries. She saw at a distance and could tell about places she had never seen.
  5. The Holy Martyr Matrona, even after death, helps people who turn to her. The main thing is to come to her with good intentions and with a pure heart.

Predictions of Saint Matrona

During her life, the Blessed One made many predictions , which, after some time, really came true. To believe or not in the prophecies of St. Matrona of Moscow is everyone's business, but the fact that they have a connection with the events taking place in real life is understandable to the child.

  1. One of the latest prophecies indicates that a modern man is facing a serious test and the moment will come when people will have to choose between the cross and bread. If we consider the prediction, focusing on real events, today many people forget about the morality of Christianity to ensure their life.
  2. Sainted Matrona said that people in the future will live as if under hypnosis and demons will break into their souls. This can be interpreted from the side that many people of our time are dependent on television and the Internet, and through them it is easy to manage crowds.
  3. Blessed predicted that people will not die from the war, but something else will happen, from which all will fall on the ground in the evening, and in the morning all the force will go underground.

Miracles of the Holy Matrona

In the Intercession Monastery there are records that show how the blessed one helped ordinary people in various matters. For an example, here are some of them:

  1. Not far from the village where the holy elder Matrona Moscovskaya lived, there was a man and he could not walk. She ordered him to crawl to her in the morning, and after the reception, he already left her on his feet.
  2. One man did not believe in the power of the blessed one, but one day he fell ill and could not move his limbs. His sister came to Matron and asked for help and she agreed. After reading the prayer and drinking the water, the man recovered. Blessed said that his sister's faith helped him.
  3. Sainted the Holy Matron and the people who were exposed to demons. Once, several men brought her to an old woman, who was very powerful and behaved strangely. After the prayer, she regained consciousness and recovered.

The Prayer of Saint Matrona

To get help from my mother, it is necessary to take into account a number of recommendations:

  1. Matron can be contacted in the church or at home, most importantly, during prayer, look at the image.
  2. There are special prayers, but you can also address Saint Matron with your own words. It is important that they go from the heart.
  3. Since Blessed is considered the patroness of orphans and homeless people, it is recommended before contacting her to help needy people or feeding animals on the street.
  4. If possible, it is recommended to visit the Intercession Monastery in order to bow to the relics. Holy blessed Matrona will hear, if you come to her on the grave.
  5. If there is no way to visit these places on your own, then you can send a letter with your application to the monastery and the nuns will necessarily post a note to the relics.

Saint Matrona's Prayer for Help

There are situations when you can not do without outside help and support. The Supreme forces will be a good support in solving various problems and overcoming obstacles. Famous is the Matrona of Moscow prayer for help, which can be used in difficult situations to return to the right road, see the right direction, get faith and strength not to give up. Support blessed renders those who really deserve it.

Saint Matrona's prayer for health

Blessed became known for her healing power. In life many people dreamed of getting to her to cope with their illness. Up to now, there has been a lot of evidence that Matron helped to heal even from a deadly disease. For those who are interested in how to pray to the holy Matrona about health, one should know about certain rules:

  1. Asking for healing can not only be a patient, but also his close relatives.
  2. Praying for help is necessary before the image, which should be near the bed of a sick person. Next to the icon is recommended to light a candle.
  3. The text can be slandered for water, which after a sick person should drink.
  4. It is necessary to ask for healing daily and better to do it in the morning and in the evening.

St. Matrona's prayers for work

Many people ask for help from saints in solving problems related to work, for example, some can not find a decent place, the latter have problems with their superiors and staff, and still others dream of raising wages and moving up the career ladder. The help of Saint Matrona will help to solve the existing troubles only if the person will independently strive for success, rather than waiting for him to wish "fall on his head".

Prayer to Saint Matrona of Love

Girls who are in search of mutual love, can turn with their desire for the Higher Powers. Holy Mother Matron helped the lonely to find love while still alive, reading special prayers over the person. To get the desired result faster, during the appeal to the blessed one, it is recommended to represent the image of the ideal man. The main thing is to ask for love from a pure heart without any bad intent.

The prayer of Saint Matrona about the marriage

For more than one century, women, wishing to establish a personal life, are turning to saints. Sincere petitions will help to become more attractive and attractive to members of the opposite sex, and they will increase the chance for a meeting of the second half. There is a special appeal to the holy Matrona of Moscow, intended for women who want to receive an offer of the hand and heart.

The prayer of Saint Matrona for the fulfillment of desire

People often live with the goal of realizing their cherished desires, but for many dreams, they remain unattainable. The prayer of Saint Matrona of Moscow gives faith that man does not stop, and the strength to move forward, but also helps the circumstances to develop, as well as possible. Remember that prayer texts are not a magic wand and you need to work constantly.

Saint Matrona's prayer for the conception of a child

A huge number of women want to know the happiness of motherhood, but for unexplained reasons they can not get pregnant. To change the situation, many are turning to the Higher Powers. Miraculous in this regard is the prayer of the holy blessed Matrona of Moscow. There are several recommendations that, according to the words of the clergy, should be fulfilled by those who want to acquire offspring:

  1. A woman must accept and obey the will of the Lord. It is important to believe in the power of prayer and not to despair.
  2. Spouses must always visit the church, confess and take communion.
  3. A woman and a man must lead a righteous life, adhere to the commandments and fasts.