Jerusalem artichoke is good and bad

One of the products that constitute a serious competition to potatoes is Jerusalem artichoke - the benefits and harms of this root crop have been known since the Middle Ages, and the properties of the "earth pear" have long been used in the treatment of endocrine diseases. In addition to the healing effect, the product has a high nutritional value and is often included in the diet.

Jerusalem artichoke - useful properties and contraindications

In the root crop contains a large number of mineral salts, pectins, fibrous fiber, vitamins, amino acids, protein compounds, carbohydrates. In addition, Jerusalem artichoke includes a unique substance called inulin. This ingredient has the following properties:

In addition, the "Jerusalem artichoke" has such effects:

The only contraindication to the use of the product is its individual intolerance, which manifests itself as a severe bloating and flatulence.

Jerusalem artichoke syrup - useful properties

This drug is a natural remedy with the pulp of tubers of Jerusalem artichoke based on natural sugars. It can be used as an additive to dishes, tea, coffee, in the production of baked goods.

Among the properties are:

Fresh Jerusalem artichoke juice is good and bad

In addition to the already listed properties of root crops, its freshly squeezed juice is actively used topically to treat open purulent wounds and burns. Fluid washing of skin lesions facilitates their disinfection, elimination of exudative contents and rapid healing.

It is also worth noting that the Jerusalem artichoke leaves have useful properties, no less effective potent medicines from arthritis and arthrosis. The crushed raw material, mixed with the juice of the "solar root", is superimposed on the aching joints of the limbs as a compress for half an hour every day. The pain subsides for the second day.

Dried Jerusalem artichoke in powder - good and bad

To provide yourself with a useful biological supplement in the winter, when tubers of Jerusalem artichoke are difficult to acquire, you can pre-harvest the root crop. To do this, it should be fermented, dried, and then chopped.

Such a powder can be stored for a long time without losing its healing properties:

Moreover, the dried Jerusalem artichoke is a spicy seasoning for the preparation of meat and fish dishes without causing any harm to the digestive system.

Jerusalem artichoke flowers - useful properties and recipes

The above-ground part of the plant, namely flowers that look like small half-suns, are great for purifying blood and improving its current in the body.

The easiest way to brew dried or fresh petals like tea (5 grams of raw materials per cup of boiling water). It can be consumed daily up to 300 ml.

It is also recommended to make infusion:

  1. Pour into 2 tablespoons of Jerusalem artichoke flowers with hot water (500 ml).
  2. Insist 20 minutes, drain.
  3. Drink 100-125 ml once a day.