What helps the tincture of the motherwort?

Among the thickets of herbs you can not immediately see and recognize a motherwort: it does not differ in brightness, in the beauty of flowering or in the bizarre form of leaves and flowers, but it is in this humble plant that a great power is enclosed that can improve a person. In medicine, they use various preparations of motherwort, but the most familiar tincture of motherwort; we will specify, from what it helps.

Useful properties of hawthorn tincture

  1. The main influence of the tincture has on the state of the nervous system: it has a calming effect, due to its constituent alkaloids, bioflavonoids, essential oils, as well as organic acids, mineral salts and other substances.
  2. The tincture of the motherwort regulates the activity of the central nervous system, in particular, makes it less irritable to various stimuli; indications for use: increased excitability, irritability, insomnia.
  3. The drug has an anticonvulsant effect, which is important for many elderly people suffering from seizures .
  4. Motherwort (tincture) has a stabilizing effect on the work of the heart muscle; its use contributes to lowering blood pressure.
  5. Used to relieve muscle tension, as well as to reduce the negative impact of stressful situations and depressive conditions.
  6. The drug of the motherwort is known not only as an effective sedative. Its medicinal properties are known in the treatment of problems of the genitourinary system. Tincture of the motherwort is often used in the treatment of female diseases; its benefit is also noted when restoring the periodicity of the menstrual cycle after the failures that occurred for certain reasons.
  7. There are cases of increased potency in men after using the drug.

Tincture of motherwort, along with an undeniable benefit, has, like any drug, contraindications to use, among them:

Tincture of the motherwort is released in pharmacies without prescription, but if you suffer from any serious illness, it will be superfluous to consult a doctor about the possibility of taking the drug.