How to get rid of laziness?

In Japan, it is believed that a true martial arts master is always lazy. If you had the opportunity to contemplate the work of the master, you noticed that to neutralize the enemy it is always enough for him to make one small movement. While students and beginners try to move as much as possible, learn to flit and move, the real master does nothing.

If in the east laziness is considered a privilege of the masters (which they deserve through diligence), then we have nothing to do but cause a headache and the question "How do you get rid of laziness?".

What is laziness?

Scientists from Scotland managed to prove by research that laziness is a special, independent mechanism of the brain. As is known from psychology, laziness manifests itself in combination with apathy, depression and lack of motivation. And research has proved that laziness is a natural brain safety device against overexertion, which, by the way, can lead to a stroke. Laziness was always, but, they say, lazy people like the people of the XXI century the world has not seen. To this, scientists also found the answer.

Nothing or brain work?

As we found out, the causes of laziness in overexertion. But where does it come from, when the lion's share of mankind is sitting out his pants in the workplace, doing nothing?

As scientists again found out, the primitive man spent all his energy on protecting the cave, hunting, and resting, pondering how to make life easier. For him, "lazy" meant trying out thoughts. As a result of this "laziness", the world has improved, life has become more comfortable and more thoughtful.

As a result, the person stopped fearing for his "cave", no longer running through the woods in search of meat, and spends 70% of the forces on brain activity. We constantly think (it is not so important what is important, the fact itself is important), and the brain strains much more than our ancestors, so too laziness is included more often.

Will be working

But, understanding the mechanism of laziness has not yet given an answer to how to overcome laziness. Scientists want to come up with an enzyme that deactivates the inclusion of this fuse, that is, laziness, but this will obviously shorten our life and reduce its quality, but will increase productivity.

In fact, psychologists say that pathological laziness is the result of deep trauma, stress, and stress. For example, there are people who blame themselves for being lazy, because it is already far from the first year they can not finish their thesis. But, as it turns out at a psychologist's reception, they write a dissertation on a topic that is far from them, and in general, they chose the profession not themselves, but under the press of the recommendations of loving parents.

That's the answer to what to do with laziness: the brain refuses to give you resources for a deal that you yourself consider unpromising, which you are not interested in, and which you, in fact, do not want to do.

The blocking of all your resources turns on, and you do not understand why you are lazy, why there are no forces, because you did not do anything right. As a result, there is apathy and depression, which spread depression to all spheres of life, and a sense of guilt , anger at itself only exacerbates the state.

Determine with priorities

Getting rid of laziness must begin with the correct distribution of forces. The brain will work and will not fail to come suddenly lazy laziness, only if you voluntarily give him the opportunity to rest.

Laziness can be the result of overwork. The organism, having exhausted all resources, tells you "stop" to generate forces. Overwork can be physical, and psychological. If you are tired, find the opportunity to relax and recharge your energy. Laziness can be the result of an incorrectly chosen activity. Parents complain about "lazy" children who do not want to learn, while often repeating the phrase "the girl does not need to study, the main thing is to get married successfully," or "there are too many unnecessary, useless subjects in a modern school." Children hear and perceive it, and the brain decides that it is not worthwhile to allocate forces to useless objects.