6 Hats of Thinking

Recently, this technique is very popular. What is its advantage? Firstly: it allows finding new, unusual solutions and ideas . Secondly: with the help of 6 hats of thought, any idea is considered immediately from all sides, which allows us to arrive at more objective conclusions about the effectiveness of the idea itself. Thirdly: the final decision is made based on the opinions of all the participants, therefore in the team no one will remain dissatisfied. Fourthly: even passive people are easily involved in the process, who are accustomed to not expressing their opinion. Fifth: the technology of 6 hats of thinking is perceived in a game form, so it's nice to work with it.

6 hats thinking method

You need to take six hats of different colors. In general, they can easily be replaced by any other objects of similar colors. The main thing is for all the participants to see in what color the discussion is currently underway. It is necessary to choose a facilitator who is responsible for organizing the process and preventing conflict situations. Let's look at the colors themselves and what they answer for.

  1. A white hat is an analytical approach. Initial data, figures, situations - all information about the subject of discussion. What we know at the moment and what needs to be learned. Only the actual data.
  2. Black is critical thinking. What are the minuses and pitfalls of this idea. Why it should not be taken. On this hat, it's better not to stay long, because it's always easier to criticize and there may be too many arguments.
  3. Yellow - optimistic attitude. What are the pros and cons of this idea, what is it winning and why should it be accepted?
  4. Red hat is emotion, sensation. Here you express only your feelings ("I'm excited about this idea!"), Assumptions, doubts, and what intuition tells you. Justification is not required, so the red hat it takes very little time.
  5. Green is a creative approach. This hat is a generator of ideas. All participants speak on how to improve the object of discussion and what can be done for its productivity. You can express even the most unusual decisions, which at this time may seem unworkable.
  6. Blue is the guiding hat. It must be worn at the beginning and end of the process. At the very beginning, it is taken to set the objectives of the discussion. In the end - for summing up the results and results.

It is best for participants to use the same color at the same time, so that disputes and conflicts do not arise.