Allochol - analogues

Allochol is a medicine of animal origin used for liver diseases. It helps to normalize the processes of bile formation, reduce the likelihood of formation of stones and restore the liver. Allochol - analogues of which are presented in the article, also has a beneficial effect on the state of the gastrointestinal tract, activating the work of the intestines and inhibiting the processes of fermentation.

How to replace Allochol?

On sale, you can find many drugs that can be used as a substitute. However, only Allohol-UFB is identical in composition and active substance. A beneficial effect on the liver possess such medicines and plants:

Which is better - Allochol or Hofitol?

Both of these drugs are prescribed in the treatment of liver diseases, help to clear it and restore function. However, Allochol also aims to bring the digestive tract back to normal. In addition, the difference between drugs is in different active substances. If Allohol is an animal bile, then Hofitol is an artichoke extract.

Which is better - Karsil or Allochol?

The difference of means consists in active substances and in the effect exerted on the body. Karsil is a herbal preparation, made on the basis of thistle fruits. Allllokhol is designed to restore the choleretic function that affects digestion, then Karsil is designed to combat liver diseases such as cirrhosis and hepatitis.

What is better - Odeston or Allochol?

The main component of Odeston is Gimecromone. Tablets have an antispasmodic property and help to normalize the output of bile by removing the spasm of the bile ducts. If the ailment is caused by a violation of the production of bile, then Allochol is appointed.