Bodipozitiv as movement against stereotypes of female beauty

The ideal of beauty throughout the entire development of mankind has changed, but it has always been sought for, and always unattainable for the majority. Now, thanks to the development of the media, the ideal of beauty is imposed very aggressively. And if you take into account the fact that huge amounts of money are earned on beauty, then the decline in the imposition of an ideal image should not be expected.

Bodipositic - what is it?

There was a movement at the end of the last century, when feminists Elizabeth Scott and Kony Sobchak organized the "The Body Positive" community. Their task, they thought, was to help women to accept and love their body. The impossibility of achieving an ideal image, dissatisfaction with his appearance could not but arouse a negative reaction of response. As a result, the movement of the body kit appeared. Bodipozitiv - a movement that recognizes the body beautiful, regardless of compliance with imposed standards. The main postulates of the body kit include:

  1. Man is beautiful as he is.
  2. No one has the right to condemn the appearance of another person.
  3. There should be no stereotypes of beauty, imposed by mass culture.
  4. You can not compare your appearance with the appearance of others or your appearance at another time.
  5. The concept of beauty, above all, refers to the inner content of a person.


Why is a radical body artifact good?

The birth of the movement immediately gave rise to supporters and opponents. But in the ranks of supporters, other ideas of the body kit appeared. One of the most common was naturalness. All changes in appearance with the help of any manipulation with the help of cosmetology, plastic surgery, fitness have been declared "out of the law". So there was a radical bodiposit.

He became a variant of "shock therapy" and the reason for new fierce attacks on the representatives of the movement of body-painting, laying out photos of their unshaven armpits with colored hair. Such a sharp attack allowed many women to reconsider their attitude to their appearance, take physical defects, age changes, the consequences of surgery and illness.

Body and feminism

Movement bodipozitiv born in the environment of feminism is not accidental. One of the main tasks feminists have always considered the woman's release from discrimination by external data, imposed a stereotype of beauty, a desire to change herself in any ways to please men. That is, feminists uphold the right of a woman to have any body comfortable for her.

Body and high self-esteem

The appearance of a body kit gave a chance to realize its beauty not only for women, whose appearance did not meet the standards recognized by society. For these people, the motto became the motto - the body art of living beauty. They were able to escape from their complexes and feel themselves full members of society. The number of people who were able to increase self-esteem included:

Bodipositivity - criticism

Accustomed to have a "landmark" of beautiful appearance, offered by mass culture, people perceived the position of the bodypost negative. Representatives of the radical body kit undergo a particularly fierce criticism. This is completely justified, because they deny even the elementary rules of hygiene, which causes outrage of the majority. Community bodipozitiv in social networks literally burns and sparkles with emotions,

In a well-grounded criticism, the body-liner is accused of an elementary change in the "ideal of beauty". In place of a slender, well-groomed woman on a pedestal, they try to hoist the image of a woman who does not even try to understand what she wants to see herself. The desire to monitor their health, play sports , observe basic hygiene becomes an occasion for fierce and insulting attacks.

They criticize the movement and doctors, saying that protected overweight is dangerous for human health and leads to diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, increases the burden on the musculoskeletal system. And the refusal of hygienic procedures is fraught with the spread of infections and inflammations and causes not the most positive reaction of others.

Bodiposit - books

  1. Connie Sobchak, one of the creators of the movement, wrote the first book on the body's body of communication. The book "Learn to Love Your Body" was called. In the book, she explained what a bodipositive is and why it is important to love and accept your body in any way. The library of books on this subject is constantly growing.
  2. "The myth of beauty. Stereotypes against women ยป Naomi Wolf. The book is about the origin of stereotypes about women's beauty and why physical perfection becomes an obsession.