Harmful movie

In the world there are hundreds of thousands of films. The leader in the production of film production is the American Hollywood, and it is he who, more often than other film studios, releases harmful films that negatively affect the mental health of the audience.

The Harm of Horror Movies

Of all the films produced by American companies, the most harmful is the movie from the genre "horror" and "thrillers." More often than not, people watch these films because of the thrill that results in an adrenaline rush. In fact, the harm of such American films is that they are a kind of drug that makes you go back to your favorite "horror movies" again and again.

But the harm of the "terrible" movie is not limited to this. Doctors warn that frequent horror movies are threatened with frequent headaches, nervous system diseases, hypertension, insomnia , kidney and adrenal diseases. According to psychologists, people who are addicted to harmful movies, often fans of other genres suffer from neuroses, depression and other problems.

It should also be noted that the greatest harm to horror films is brought to children. At sensitive and receptive kids after viewing of terrible films there are night fears, they start to be excruciated by nightmares. And if your child enjoys watching "horror movies", most likely you should consult a psychologist. For such a predilection, serious problems can hide - aggressiveness , a tendency to cruelty, etc.

The Harm of Another American Cinema

Unfortunately, the harm of American cinema is not limited to horror films. Most Hollywood movies and their characters do not have high intelligence, morality, good manners, etc. Of course, Hollywood produces good, kind and instructive films, but people, for the most part, prefer to watch "empty" entertaining pictures, rather than a serious movie. And this too has its own reasons.

Most children spend all their free time in front of the TV. And parents usually calmly refer to the fact that their children watch the American cartoons for hours. Meanwhile, the harm of the animated American cinema is not much less than the horror films. Firstly, a lot of cartoons do not make any sense, therefore, growing up, children begin to watch the same "empty" films. Secondly, overly bright and rapidly changing pictures can lead to the development of neuroses and psychoses in children. Thirdly, very often the cartoon characters are cruel, aggressive and lying, and children learn from them such behavior. And, finally, American cartoons impose infrequent stereotypes on small viewers: all the main characters of the animated cinema have a look that is far from life, and behavior not typical of decent girls, and the characters are often rude and disorderly.