Causes of mental retardation

Mental retardation refers to violations in the development of mental functions caused by certain lesions of individual brain zones. The causes of mental retardation may be concealed both in the genetic predisposition of a person to a similar developmental disorder (for example, in the case of chromosomal abnormalities) and in various intranatal factors caused by certain problems during the period of gestation and during labor (hemorrhage in the central nervous system, asphyxia of the newborn, the application of forceps at obstetric aid, etc.)

Before and after birth

Children with similar anomalies are experiencing a delay in the development of intellectual abilities, as well as limited access to the acquisition of domestic skills. Diagnosis of such conditions is usually carried out at a fairly early age, especially if such violations are combined with developmental anomalies , for example, infantile cerebral palsy.

The causes of mental retardation may also be postnatal factors, in particular, poor nutrition and lack of emotional and cognitive stimulation, aimed at helping to develop adaptation to the surrounding social environment. To the causes and forms of mental retardation, which are considered the most common to date, include various chromosomal diseases (for example, Down syndrome), the genetic etymology of diseases of the nervous system and genetic diseases of metabolism. Children suffering from such diseases usually have pronounced violations in behavioral and emotional reactions, difficulties with social integration, quite often there is an increased state of anxiety and depression of different forms of severity.

The main thing is love

In modern psychiatry, an in-depth analysis of the causes and classification of mental retardation makes it possible to develop new methods of treating such patients, but they all work much more efficiently in combination with social support elements, such as specially created centers for working with children suffering from abnormal impairment of mental functions , as well as schools existing on the basis of these centers, where different teaching methods are used, aimed at reducing the severity of the symptoms of the disease and rendering Help in adapting to the world.

But undoubtedly, the most important aspect in working with children who have been diagnosed with mental retardation is boundless parental love, as well as tolerance and understanding both from the nearest social environment and the whole society as a whole.