Royal jelly - medicinal properties, how to take?

Royal jelly is the most valuable product of beekeeping, which is considered an analogue of regular milk. It is formed in the glands of the pharynx and the jaws of the bees-nurses. The properties of royal jelly have long been proven by scientists, but have been used in folk medicine since ancient times. Externally, this product is similar in appearance to cream of white or cream color. The smell is sharp, but the taste is sweet and sour. Outdoors, royal jelly very quickly deteriorates and loses its healing properties.

How to take royal jelly and its medicinal properties

The uniqueness of this product is related to its chemical composition. There are valuable amino acids in this bee product, micro and macro elements, carbohydrates , enzymes, phytoncides and other substances. It should be noted that the concentration of useful substances is quite high.

Useful properties of royal jelly:

  1. Participates in the process of growth and nutrition of the cells of the brain and spinal cord. Positively affects the activity of the nervous system, helping a person to cope with stress and insomnia more easily.
  2. Promotes normalization of blood pressure, and also leads to a tone and strengthens blood vessels. Royal jelly improves the blood. It is recommended to take it if there are problems with the cardiovascular system.
  3. It is important for the regulation of endocrine glands and contains a large number of hormones.
  4. The properties of royal jelly are also effective in its application for the normalization of the digestive tract. It stimulates the secretion of gastric juice and helps to better assimilate the components of food.
  5. It is recommended to use during the treatment of rheumatic and rheumatoid arthritis, as well as to get rid of inflammatory processes.
  6. Positively affects the metabolism, speeding up the process of cleaning the body of harmful substances.
  7. The properties of royal jelly are aimed at increasing the body's resistance to external stimuli. It helps this product to recover faster after the illness or surgery.
  8. It is proved that this beekeeping product improves the result of medical treatment for inflammation of the lungs, tracheitis and laryngitis.

To get all the described beneficial properties of royal jelly, you need to know how to take it. Basically it is used in granular form. The dosage and the regimen directly depend on the purpose for which the treatment is carried out:

  1. For the prevention of influenza it is necessary to mix 2 g of royal jelly with 18 ml of alcohol 40%. Take this medicine an hour before meals, watering the mouth.
  2. As a medicine for depression , a mixture of 2 g of royal jelly and 100 g of honey should be used. Take it should be once a day.
  3. During the treatment of ARI use a mixture of milk and honey, taking ingredients for 1 tsp. Take this medicine three times a day. Duration of treatment is 2 weeks.

If fresh royal jelly is used, then take it according to another scheme: twice a day for 30 minutes. before meals, with a single dose of 25-50 mg. It is not recommended to take royal jelly three hours before bedtime, and also do not need to pre-brush your teeth. The duration of taking this natural medicine depends on various factors, but basically the treatment is carried out for two to three weeks. If royal jelly is used for prevention, then it should be taken by courses, and the break should be the same or longer than the period of application. You can not use this beekeeping product for more than a third of a year, as this will seriously weaken the body.