Fast and effective folk remedies for constipation

Many are familiar with the notion of constriction, such as constipation. Usually, this ailment appears because of a constant malnutrition and little physical activity. The question, most likely, itself will be solved if to change a ration and to increase daily mobility. When there is no time at all, fast and effective folk remedies for constipation are needed.

The recipe for a fast-acting medicine


Preparation and use

Egg yolk to separate from protein and grind it with honey and butter. Dissolve the resulting mixture in water. Take two teaspoons every two hours while necessary. This drug is considered one of the fastest and most effective drugs for constipation.

Broth prunes


Preparation and use

Prunes need to be put in water, boil and leave for a little more half an hour. Allow to cool. Add bark buckthorn and boil again for half an hour. Then cool and add a hood from the hips. This decoction is considered the most effective remedy for chronic constipation. The drink has a pleasant taste. It must be drunk half a cup for the night until the body's work is restored.

Infusion of Senna Herbs


Preparation and use

To prepare an effective folk remedy for constipation at home, you need to mix senna with prunes. In the resulting solution add a liter of boiling water and press for several hours. Then strain. Infusion is administered orally three tablespoons every hour. The first results should appear on average in eight hours. In general, the drug has no side effects, but in rare cases, there is a decrease in appetite and pain in the abdominal area.