Paracetamol in tablets - dosage at the temperature of children

With the illnesses of the child one has to face every mother. Many ailments are accompanied by fever. Experts advise to use antipyretic agents only after the thermometer shows 38 ° C. If necessary, the mother should give the medicine a medicine. Children at a temperature can give Paracetamol in tablets, the dosage is calculated based on the weight of the crumbs. This is an effective tool. It is useful for parents to find out some information about his admission.

Features of the drug

The product is sold in different forms:

Given the variety of choices, it should be understood that the latter form is the least preferred for young children. But anyway, the answer to the question, whether it is possible to give a child Paracetomol in tablets, will be positive. They should be used if there is no syrup or candles at hand.

The medicine perfectly helps to fight with heat, it also relieves pain. But do not use it when the child has something hurts, but there is no temperature. In this situation, you need to use a special anesthetic.

The advantages of the drug include that the drug can be given to patients who have a tendency to convulsions that occur at elevated temperature.

But the medicine with prolonged reception can disrupt the liver, kidneys. Allergic reactions may also occur. Be sure to know what dose of Paracetamol in tablets give the child.

Do not use the product for preventive purposes. The medicine will eliminate only the symptom, but does not heal from the disease itself. In addition, frequent use will lead to disturbances in the functioning of the body.

Toxic effects also depend on the patient's age, - small children are most susceptible to it.

How do I take Paracetamol in tablets?

Features reception is better to clarify the pediatrician. He will be able to accurately answer Mom's questions. Also, what dose of Paracetamol in tablets is suitable for children can be looked in the instructions. If there is a problem in swallowing the medicine, it must be crushed and diluted in water.

Experts believe that the drug should be given at a rate of not more than 12 mg per 1 kg of the weight of the baby. Do not give children a tool for adults. They are suitable only for children.

Tablets can be 200 mg and 500 mg each. This must be taken into account when buying. What dosage of paracetamol in tablets for children depends solely on body weight. For children weighing up to 20 kg, it is convenient to buy a drug of 200 mg, and more than 21 kg - 500 mg. It is allowed to give medicines to children from 8 kg. For them, break half of the tablet 200 mg.

The medicine can not be drunk for more than 3 days. During the day it can be used up to 4 times. The effect occurs approximately in half an hour after administration and lasts up to 4 hours. But we must remember that the next dose should be offered only after 6 hours.

Finding out how much to give the child Paracetamol in tablets, it must be remembered that a dose of 150 mg per 1 kg of bodyweight is considered toxic to the baby. Always check the accuracy of the calculation of the dosage to avoid an error. In case of an overdose, a doctor is urgently needed. Anxiety should cause pallor, vomiting, increased sweating.

You can replace the drug with preparations with Ibuprofen. For example, many know Nurofen. He also knocks down the temperature well.