The house cypress is drying - what should I do?

If your house cypress is drying, you need to find out as soon as possible why this is happening. After that, it will be easier for you to save it.

Causes of drying the indoor cypress

Room cypresses often wither due to improper care for it. Especially he is sensitive to:

Whatever the reason, everything is simple enough to fix, the main thing is to start doing the right thing, what you did wrong, and the flower will come to life.

What if the indoor cypress dries?

The yellow branches of the cypress give a signal to the grower, which is bad for him, so you need to change something as quickly as possible.

To provide the plant with the necessary amount of moisture, water it after the topsoil has dried.

Overdoing in this matter is also harmful, it is possible to provoke the development of root rot, so in the pot must be holes for draining the water. In a hot climate, apart from the usual watering a cypress, it is worthwhile to spend daily spraying.

If you see that the cypress root system has occupied the entire pot, then it needs a transplant. You can not do this only in the winter.

Escape from the drying of the crown helps also regular pruning. It is especially relevant in the summer, when its holding stimulates growth and contributes to the formation of a beautiful crown.

Apply fertilizer to the soil under cypress every 2 weeks. To do this, you can use a special granular preparation or a liquid concentrate for conifers.

Knowing how to save a room cypress at the beginning of yellowing, you can longer enjoy its greenery.