Dream interpretation - treason and what does treason?

After seeing the treason in a dream, the soul becomes anxious and uncomfortable. Betrayal of a loved one in a dream causes an experience and suggests that it can be really wrong. Do not worry so much! Whichever way we take a dream book, treachery in it always indicates changes and events that are not related to the real adultery. To finally settle down on this score, it is worth to look in the dream books, what the dream of a loved one

Why does she dream that her husband has changed?

Changing a husband in a dream can be a reflection of the experiences of the spouse over the devotion of a loved one. Such a dream can confirm the lack of attention on the part of the husband and the desire to have a more intimate relationship with him. Many dream interpreters explain this dream, as future innovations in the life of the dreamer. In addition to the events played in a dream, it is worth paying attention to the feelings experienced at the same time. The harder the morale was, the harder it will be to give predictable changes and the more negative emotions can expect ahead.

Why dream of a betrayal of his wife?

Why dreams of a girl's betrayal and betrayal in a wife's sleep are interpreted differently by ambiguities. Most of the dream books say that the wife's adultery in a dream can indicate the experience of the spouse about the existing relationship, lack of warmth and tenderness. Such dreams are peculiar to men, extremely attached to their family and placing it in the foundation of their lives. A betrayal of a wife seen in a dream indicates a desire to have a strong family and confidence in the faithfulness of the wife.

Some dream books connect the dreamed betrayal of the wife with problems in the professional sphere. Sleep can be a harbinger of coworkers colleagues and subsequent problems at work. Troubles can also come from close acquaintances who have leverage over their spouse. In rare cases, a dream can mean trouble connected with fire, a fire.

Why dream of a betrayal of a beloved man?

If a woman saw her friend or wife in a dream with another lady, then she will necessarily want to know what the love of a loved one dreams about. Do not be nervous because of sleep, because he does not herald treason in reality. The interpretation of sleep depends on what the situation is:

  1. Treason with a woman of easy virtue means that a loved one can commit a frivolous act. To this act, it can be pushed by acquaintances or friends.
  2. Treason with an unknown lady can be a reflection of the anxiety to lose a loved one.
  3. A novel with a familiar woman predicts the collapse of hopes and dreams.
  4. The betrayal of revenge says that the marriage will be long and happy.
  5. As the dream book interprets, her husband's betrayal and his repentance symbolizes dissatisfaction with the current situation in family or professional affairs.
  6. If in a dream the spouse tried to change, but stayed at the last moment from this, the dreamer can go through all the trials and come out victorious.

Why dream of someone else's betrayal?

Any dream in which a person saw someone else's betrayal, says that life will develop an uncomfortable and unpleasant situation. Sometimes dream interpretations treat such a dream as a dreamer's desire to look into someone else's life. Some interpreters of dreams say that such a dream speaks about problems with the self-appraisal of the dreamer, uncertainty and the desire to prove his case. The interpretation of sleep depends on such situations:

  1. If you dreamed of betraying your father, you should expect trouble, trouble and trouble. From this situation, wise advice will save.
  2. Seeing in a dream the adultery of a foreign man means that the dreamer will find himself in an awkward position and will experience shame and humiliation.
  3. To see in a dream the betrayal of a person who has already died means that the dreamer misses the deceased. It is worth paying more attention to your mental state, so as not to succumb to illness due to depression.
  4. Treason of a friend speaks of betrayal and trouble.

Why does the mother's betrayal?

Mother is the embodiment of unconditional love and a life shelter. You can address your mother in any difficult situation and get help or advice. It's worth remembering, figuring out what treason means in a dream. Mother's betrayal speaks of some collapsing foundations, strong experiences, fears. Such a dream can reflect the sense of guilt that a dreamer is experiencing.

Why does the father's betrayal?

To see in a dream the betrayal of the father does not bode well. Such a dream can have the following meanings:

  1. Difficulties in dealing with a person of the opposite sex. These difficulties can be of an intimate nature.
  2. Real betrayal of a loved one.
  3. Dreamer's desire to "sidetrack" because of the tension in existing relationships.
  4. A reminder of the treason of a dreamer.

Why dream of admission of treason?

Sleep about treason always leaves an unpleasant residue and makes you alert. If the dream contained a confession of treason, do not take it at face value and transfer it to real life. Such a dream may reflect an understatement on the part of the person from whom the recognition sounded. It is necessary to deduce such person on frank conversation and to try to learn, that he would like to inform. In addition, the dream of confession in treason can reflect the feelings of the dreamer in relation to the person who has dreamed: suspicion or fear of being deceived.

Why dream of accusations of treason?

There are various interpretations of what treason means in a dream, so the accusation of treason can also predict various events. Sonnniki say that the charge of treason is interpreted as follows:

  1. Accusation of infidelity is made by the spouse - it is possible to expect family troubles.
  2. The dreamer accuses his partner - there will be unpleasant news.
  3. Ungrounded accusations can indicate success in a planned enterprise.
  4. Accusations in the face of strangers - the planned enterprise will fail.
  5. Honored charges of treason can indicate that the dreamer expects trouble in the business sphere.

What is the dream of treason?

Psychologists and interpreters of dreams disagree on why treason is dreamed. Psychologists in this case always talk about problems in family life, lack of understanding and warmth. Interpreters of dreams indicate more extensive meanings, translating dreams of treason into a sphere of professional and friendly interests. Concerning attempts at treason in a dream, one can find such interpretations:

  1. The dreamer saw his attempt at betrayal - a dream indicates a desire to change or that treason has already taken place.
  2. The dreamer saw an attempt to betray his partner - betrayal of close people who will repent of their actions.