How often to water strawberries?

Planting strawberries on their site, gardeners come across several questions, including how often to water strawberries and other watering issues. At different stages the amount and technique of irrigation is somewhat different, and in order to achieve better results, you need to know about all these subtleties.

How often to water strawberries after planting?

The first year, while there are no flowers and ovaries on the strawberry, it is better to water it with rain, that is, you can not be afraid to get on the leaves. On the contrary, it's only for the best - the water will wash the dust and allow the strawberry to "breathe" and develop better.

The frequency of irrigation depends on many factors - climate, weather conditions, soil quality. But in general, watering during this period should be abundant. You need to properly equip the garden: in a circle from the planted mustache, make bumps from the ground at least 20 cm high. And the first month after planting, you need to fill these holes to the top with water. While there is no heat in the street, it can be watered once a week, but in a hotter period, increase the irrigation multiplicity up to 1 time in 3 days.

How often to water strawberries during ripening?

When the strawberry bushes get stronger and start to bloom and give a harvest, the irrigation technique is replaced with a soil one. On plants water should not fall, so as not to cause the pollen to wash off and the rotting of the ovaries.

If the street is warm and there is no rain, you should water about once every 10 days in the volume of 30 liters of water per square meter. Such a significant amount of water is a necessity for fruit-bearing plants. And it is important to water it in this mode: rarely and a lot. If you water often and a little bit, it will lead to the development of gray rot and other diseases.

Council, how to make sure that when watering strawberry berries are not in the mud and do not rot: overlay the bushes with straw. Then the strawberries will remain clean, and the moisture will stay longer in the ground and give the plant the necessary nutrition for growth and fruiting.

How often should you water strawberries in the heat?

In recent years, the temperature in the summer tends to very high values, and this invariably affects our plantings. Without rain and in extreme heat, they have to be very difficult. What can we say about strawberries, which so loves moisture.

Naturally, water it is necessary more often than once in 10 days. Watch the soil on the bed, do not allow the appearance of cracks and the state of complete withers. Watering in the hottest periods can be up to 2-3 times a week. Ideally, you need to wallow the soil with spruce needles. It will retain moisture, will not allow the earth to dry up, save the harvest.

How often to water strawberries under agrofiber?

Many gardeners, trying to save energy and money, grow strawberries under agrobylines (spunbond) . For this, the best material is a black material with a density of 60 g / m & sup2. It perfectly protects strawberries from the hot sun, too much rain and birds.

Irrigation of strawberries grown under agrofiber is carried out with a hose with a nozzle. The moisture is perfectly preserved inside, the frequency of watering can be somewhat reduced. Enough three-time watering per month.

General recommendations for strawberry irrigation:

  1. Remember that the roots of the strawberry are close to the surface soil and can not draw moisture from deep words, so the plant needs sufficient irrigation, but without transfusion. The norm of moistening in light soils should be equal to 70%, in heavy soils - 80%, and after harvest - 60%.
  2. Watering should be regular, without long interruptions. Ideal option - drip irrigation.
  3. After planting strawberries for 2-3 weeks, you need to maintain a constant soil moisture, so you have to wet the soil daily 2-3 mm. Then, in the next 2 weeks, water once every two days. During the growth of green mass, strawberry bushes are especially in need of watering.