Abdomen whims during pregnancy

The future mother begins to notice changes in her state of health in the early stages. Many women complain that the belly whimpers during pregnancy. In general, unpleasant sensations in the abdomen are not uncommon on any terms of gestation. Because girls are useful to know the main causes of such symptoms and ways that will help ease the condition.

Why puchit pregnant?

It is interesting to understand what causes similar discomfort in expectant mothers. Such problems are provoked by certain physiological processes that occur in the body.

First you need to find out why this happens in the early term. This is explained by the effect of progesterone - a hormone, which is intensively produced from the first days of gestation. His task is to relax the muscles of the uterus. This reduces the risk of miscarriage. But progesterone also affects the intestines. It is because of such changes in the hormonal background that a woman can note discomfort in the abdomen.

The crumb grows, and with it the uterus increases in size. Because it presses on the intestines. It is for this reason that often belches the stomach during pregnancy in the second and third trimester, also the future mother may suffer from constipation.

It is believed that stress, overexertion, too, can trigger such symptoms. Some foods affect the intestinal peristalsis and worsen well-being.

In a number of cases, this condition may be the result of exacerbation of various ailments. These include an ulcer, gastritis. These pathologies require increased attention of specialists.

What should I do if puchit during pregnancy?

If a woman regularly suffers from this condition, then she should definitely notify the doctor about it. If there are grounds, the doctor will prescribe additional examinations. Often the problem is solved by adjusting the supply. From the menu it is necessary to exclude pickled vegetables, cabbage, black bread, soda, sugar, beans. All these products increase the formation of gas and lead to the fact that women whistles in the abdomen during pregnancy and in early and late periods.

It is useful to eat dates, dried apricots. They improve digestion. Necessarily need sour-milk products. Also it is necessary to watch for a sufficient intake of liquid.

It is possible to recommend such preventive measures:

In some cases, the doctor may prescribe an "Espumizan".