Canary breeding

If in the 19th century the privilege of keeping songbirds belonged only to representatives of the upper strata of society, today everyone can start a canary. Bright, like a sun, a cheerful and lively bird will decorate your house, make life more fun, and in the mornings you will wake up not from having sounded an alarm clock, but from a beautiful bird song. Bird care does not promise special difficulties, and canary breeding can be turned into a profitable business. These birds multiply perfectly at home, but there are certain features. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Home canaries - where to begin breeding?

Canaries pairing is most favorable in March. This is due to natural features. Of course, the mating period can occur at any time of the year, but in this case the condition of the female and male after the production of the offspring will significantly worsen. In addition, the singing of the kenar will lose its original quality.

So, before placing the birds in one cage, they should be placed side by side in different places so that the domestic canaries can get to know each other, get used to it. In a few days, pay attention to the behavior of birds - if the female began to wear strings and feathers in her beak, simulates the construction of the nest, squats on the perch during the singing of her future chevalier - this indicates the readiness for mating. If the birds remain indifferent to each other - do not put them in one cage.

How to care for chicks?

After the birds are settled together, it is necessary to place in the cage the building material for the nest - strips of cotton fabric, yarns 2 cm long and over. About a week later, the first egg will appear in the nest, and for another three to six days, one more will appear. When the chicks hatch, the food for canaries should become especially saturated. An egg yolk is suitable, and after a few days you can add grated carrots.

Cages for canaries should be quite spacious, as birds need to fly for good development and health. Training canaries singing is quite easy. For a long time, include classical music, which is the most melodic. It is desirable that this or that melody is often repeated. After a while you will notice that the bird imitates the sounds that it hears. Real canaries can achieve incredible results - their birds acquire the ability to almost completely reproduce different compositions.