How many pugs live?

For a long history, people have brought out a lot of dog breeds. Pugs belong to the oldest of them. Time passed, but our heroes remain the favorites of many dog ​​breeders all over the world. Many of us who want to have a funny and funny friend personally or to their children, very often choose their choice. That's why the question of how many pugs live on average, very often can be found on forums on the Internet. Let's talk a little about this beautiful and intelligent dog, discuss all its advantages, but do not forget to mention some of the diseases that they most often suffer. After all, there is not a single completely perfect breed of dogs in the world, each of them has minor defects that were transmitted to it from distant ancestors.

Modern pugs have become movie stars, heroes of books, they can be found on all sorts of posters and photographs and in the form of sculptural images. Our contemporaries like faithful and happy pugs, no less than medieval aristocrats or Chinese emperors. But this breed has a long history. Pugs can be seen on ancient products, which belong to the Shang dynasty of Chinese emperors, who ruled as far back as 1766 BC. Even in those distant times they became favorites of monks and aristocrats, who accustomed their dogs to lazy court life. Some believe that apparently already in the genes of their ancestors there was a certain propensity to obesity. It is clear that in those ancient and foggy times people did not keep records of how many pugs live. Only now people began to pay attention to such data and put them in official documents.

Dutch travelers were the first Europeans to appreciate this funny breed of dogs and brought it to Europe. And the Duke of Wuttenberg erected a monument to his faithful dog. He made a dangerous journey, but still managed to return to his home from under Belgrade, where he was lost during the battle with the Turks. Even the mysterious Masons believed that pugs symbolize perseverance, loyalty and loyalty. No wonder there was even a pug-order, whose members bore the image of dogs of this breed in the form of a beautiful medallion.

How many years live pugs, and what do they suffer from?

A long life among people left its imprint on the character and way of life of representatives of this breed of dogs. They have adapted well to life in an apartment or a private home. They do not need special food anymore. But the feed should be balanced so that your pets do not suffer from overeating. Too long walks they do not like. Pugs are generally prone to laziness and therefore it is desirable to periodically engage in active games. The lack of movement can lead to a violation of blood circulation and atrophy. In severe heat, they may suffer from shortness of breath, so during this period it is better not to overload them. Specific features of this breed and its weaknesses include possible problems with the cardiovascular system and frequent eye diseases (chronic corneal erosion). Some other owners complain that their pets snort loudly in their sleep. But this is a common problem for many "snub-nosed" dogs.

Beginning dog breeders are often interested, how many dogs do pugs live? Their average age differs little from other representatives of small breeds and amounts to approximately 12-14 years. There are pleasant exceptions, when some pets become real long-livers. Pug Martin was brought to the "Russian Book of Records". The age of the dog was sixteen and a half years old at the time of registration in 2005. He died a month later and yet no one of his relatives could get close enough to Martin's achievement. With proper care, any pug can become a long-liver and in this matter very much depends only on its owner and his relationship to his pet.