Furosemide - indications for use

With excessive accumulation of fluid in soft tissues and various stagnant phenomena, doctors often appoint Furosemide. This drug refers to fast-acting diuretics or siluretics - intensive diuretics that increase the excretion of chlorine and sodium. Before starting therapy it is important to find out what Furosemide helps with - indications for the use of the drug, its main mechanisms of action and the effects produced.

Indications for Furosemide

The drug under consideration is based on the active ingredient of the same name. Its diuretic effect is due to oppression of the reverse absorption (reabsorption) of the ions of chlorine and sodium. Because of their increased isolation, the water molecules, magnesium and calcium ions are enhanced, and the production of potassium ions is increased.

As secondary effects are noted:

Based on the above facts it becomes clear that the diuretic Fouromeside is prescribed for swelling and similar stagnant phenomena of different origin. Direct indications for its use are:

How to drink Furosemide in swelling?

The dosage of the described siluretik, as well as the frequency of its intake, is strictly determined individually and only by the doctor.

Usually, 40 mg of Furosemide is prescribed 1 time per day, preferably in the morning, without prior breakfast. In some cases, the dose may be increased to 80-160 mg, but it should be divided into 2 divided doses, with the interval between them being about 6 hours.

In severe stages of renal failure, an increased daily dose of diuretic is recommended - up to 320 mg per day. When the severity of the symptoms of the pathology decreases slightly, the amount of Furosemide taken decreases gradually. Typically, a minimum therapeutically effective value is selected.

It should be noted that the medication considered refers to a potent diuretic, used in emergency cases. Therefore, do not drink Furosemide with small swelling of the legs and other minor stagnant phenomena. This drug has too many dangerous side effects, a long list of contraindications.

Moreover, it is forbidden to use the presented silvertic for cosmetic purposes, for example, for express slimming or removing "bags" under the eyes. Of course, Furosemide will relieve swelling on the face and 1.5-2 extra pounds in just 30-50 minutes after the first intake. But, firstly, the result will not last long, only 2-4 hours. Secondly, an artificially derived liquid, especially if it was not contained in excess, but in a normal amount, will quickly be replenished in an even larger volume. And thirdly, uncontrolled and unreasonable use of Furosemide, not agreed with the attending physician, can lead to serious and even life-threatening consequences, such as: