Tremor of the head

Tremor is the main sign of sclerosis and most often provokes diseases of the upper limbs. Tremor also occurs in the vocal cords, trunk. Tremor of the head is a sign of a serious neurological disease. Patients complain of shaking the head, hands and many other parts of the body. This disease brings not so much pain as inconvenience. This: the minimum opportunity to eat, drink, and dress yourself.

The main causes of tremor of the head:

  1. Drug or alcohol addiction, excessive use.
  2. Factors of hereditary genes.
  3. Diseases of the cerebellum.
  4. Excessive use of various medications is not for the intended purpose.
  5. Frequent stress caused by fear or pain.
  6. Constant fatigue without rest, hard work.

There are also many cases when there is a tremor of the head during excitement. Such factors can affect the onset of the spread of the disease. Frequent stress and many other negative factors contribute to the development of the disease. It can be said that the most common cause is precisely the disturbance of the nervous system.

Tremor of the head can occur due to the following diseases:

Treating head tremors

Medication tremor of the head is not effective. The same can be said about various other weightlifting therapies. The patient, as a rule, can independently manage the given symptoms of the disease, therefore it is possible to prevent the spread of the disease only through complex treatment. The desire of the patient is very important.

At the first symptoms of the disease, it is immediately recommended to contact a neurologist. The doctor, based on the general picture of the patient, will appoint the right treatment. Preliminary it is necessary to pass or take place inspection and only after that correctly appointed or nominated complex treatment will be useful.

Treating people with tremor of the head

  1. With tremors of hands and head, tansy flowers help effectively. To do this, you need to take the peas themselves and chew them thoroughly. It is recommended to swallow exclusively the juice, and spit all cake. Juice tansy is quite effective and the result is noticeable in a week. Patient's state of health is much improved.
  2. There is still an effective infusion of herbs. For cooking, you need three small parts of the motherwort, two pieces of hawthorn fruit and a few roots of valerian. You can also add mint leaves here. All this is well mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. For cooking for one day, two tablespoons of the mixture will be poured into two cups of boiling water. Leave on fire for 15 minutes, then pour into a thermos and press for about two hours. This infusion is recommended to be taken three times a day before meals for half an hour. The course of treatment continues for a month, and after that you can take a break. If improvement occurs earlier, then a break can be made after two weeks of admission.
  3. No less effective is one more infusion from the peduncle of the Tibetan lofant. For this, it is necessary three tablespoons of herbs pour 300 milliliters of hot water. Insist for about an hour, and then drain. This infusion should be taken half a cup three times a day. Not depending on the meal.

The above prescriptions can be used as an additional treatment. The main therapy is appointed by the attending physician. Tremor of the head with cervical osteochondrosis should be observed exclusively by a doctor, so in this case, traditional medicine will be powerless. As a rule, patients are prescribed special gymnastics as an additional therapy.