After the month

Normally, after a month, there may be small discharge without a sharp odor and not causing a woman a sense of discomfort.

Spotting after monthly

In the period after menstruation, there may be a so-called "daub" - scant excretions from the genitals of a woman that do not cause a woman inconvenience. If such allocation have a transparent color, then their presence is the norm and does not require the intervention of a gynecologist.

In the presence of pregnancy, a woman can also have a small amount of secretions due to implantation of the embryo into the uterine wall. In this case it is important to conduct a special test to confirm or deny the fact of having a pregnancy, because a pregnant woman can be assigned a limited range of medicines.

Prolonged swallowing after menstruation: causes

Sometimes a woman notices in her discharge after the end of uterine bleeding during the menstrual cycle, which can continue for a long time. In this case, she wonders why she spends a lot of time after menstruation. Long allocations can be due to the following reasons:

Brown smear after menstruation

Spotting discharge, characterized by brown color, a woman can observe for a long time as a result of having the following diseases:

Polyps and hyperplasia can be prerequisites for the appearance of uterine cancer, so it is important to make a diagnosis in time and prescribe a comprehensive treatment.

Pink smear after monthly

Pink discharge, similar to "diluted" blood is often accompanied by an unpleasant pungent odor. Their presence allows us to state about the woman's chronic endometrium, endocervicitis.

A daub of a pink color may be a woman taking hormonal contraceptives. In this case, no special treatment is required. However, a woman should monitor her condition and if such discharges are noted for at least three months, then it may be necessary to change the medicine and consult a doctor to choose another contraceptive.

Black smear after monthly

Such secretions may indicate a hormonal failure in the body, requiring immediate treatment.

Long stroke after menstruation: treatment

Most often, women in the postmenstrual period have brownish discharge. They can be the norm at the end of the cycle, as the blood folds more slowly and changes its color. At the slightest suspicion of uterine pathology, an endometrial biopsy should be performed to exclude the development of inflammatory processes in the uterus.

The doctor may prescribe the use of hemostatic agents (ascorutin, dicinone, calcium gluconate) to reduce the number of discharges in the post menstrual period.

Of folk remedies, you can use a decoction of nettles at a rate of one tablespoon per cup of boiling water.

In extreme cases, if a pathology of the uterus is detected, it is possible to administer a curettage.

It should not be delayed with treatment, because in time the found cause of excreta and correctly selected complex treatment allows to exclude the deterioration of the pelvic organs and prevent such undesirable consequences as infertility.